A Neovim plugin for seamless integration with Aider, an AI pair programming tool.
⚠️ Warning: This plugin is under rapid development and breaking changes may occur. If you encounter any issues, please file an issue on GitHub.
- Optionally start Aider automatically in the background
- When in background mode (default):
- Auto reload all files changed by Aider
- Add configurable hooks to run when Aider finishes updating a file
- For example, you can use diffview to always show a gorgeous diff
- Send commands to Aider explicitly with
AiderSend <cmd>
- Can be used to create custom prompts
- Toggle Aider terminal window and bring to background/foreground at any time, with multiple window formats
- Load files into Aider session
- You can use fzf-lua or telescope to select files (multi-select supported) with multiple file viewers:
- Telescope git_files | find_files | buffers | oldfiles
- FZF-Lua any file finder that follows standard conventions for passing file params
- When not it watch mode
without args can be used to/add
the current file, or specify file args
- You can use fzf-lua or telescope to select files (multi-select supported) with multiple file viewers:
- Ask questions about code with visual selection support
with a visual selection will prompt you for input and add the selected code to the prompt
- For diff viewing, accepting or rejecting changes:
- Supports switching to different repos and will maintain context per repo
- Telescope picker for selecting models
:Telescope model_picker
- Use
model_picker_search = { "^anthropic/", "^openai/" }
to specify which models to look for
- Use
- Integration with tokyonight theme
- Neovim 0.5+
- Aider required bo to be installed and available in
(pip install aider-chat
) - akinsho/toggleterm.nvim is required for terminal management
- diffviewis optional but it is a great way to view Aider's changes, revert or undo them, see integration bellow
- fidget is optional but it is the recommended way to show Aider activity, see configuration bellow
- fzf-lua or Telescope (optional, for enhanced file selection)
- willothy/flatten.nvim (only if you want to use
Using lazy.nvim
return {
dependencies = {
-- required for core functionality
-- for fuzzy file `/add`ing functionality ("ibhagwan/fzf-lua" supported as well)
-- Optional, but great for diff viewing and after_update_hook integration
-- Optional but great option for viewing Aider output
-- Only if you care about using the /editor command
lazy = false,
opts = {
-- Auto trigger diffview after Aider's file changes
after_update_hook = function()
require("diffview").open({ "HEAD^" })
-- Customize how Aider output is viewed
notify = function(...)
keys = {
desc = "Toggle Aider",
mode = { "i", "t", "n" },
desc = "Toggle Aidper (default)",
"<cmd>AiderSend /undo<CR>",
desc = "Aider undo",
"<cmd>AiderSend /model sonnet<CR>",
desc = "Switch to sonnet",
"<cmd>AiderSend /model haiku<CR>",
desc = "Switch to haiku",
desc = "Add file to aider",
desc = "Ask with selection",
mode = { "v", "n" },
Using Packer.nvim
use {
dependencies = {
-- required for core functionality
-- for fuzzy file `/add`ing functionality ("ibhagwan/fzf-lua" supported as well)
-- Optional, but great for diff viewing and after_update_hook integration
-- Optional but great option for viewing Aider output
-- Only if you care about using the /editor command
config = function()
-- Auto trigger diffview after Aider's file changes
after_update_hook = function()
require("diffview").open({ "HEAD^" })
-- Customize how Aider output is viewed
notify = function(...)
-- Add keymaps
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>as', '<cmd>AiderSpawn<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Toggle Aider (default)' }))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>au', '<cmd>AiderSend /undo<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Aider undo' }))
vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 't', 'n' }, '<C-x>', '<cmd>AiderToggle<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Toggle Aider' }))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>al', '<cmd>AiderLoad<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Add file to aider' }))
vim.keymap.set({ 'v', 'n' }, '<leader>ad', '<cmd>AiderAsk<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Ask with selection' }))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ams', '<cmd>AiderSend /model sonnet<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Switch to sonnet' }))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>amh', '<cmd>AiderSend /model haiku<CR>', vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { desc = 'Switch to haiku' }))
Using vim-plug
call plug#begin()
Plug 'aweis89/aider.nvim'
Plug 'akinsho/toggleterm.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' -- for fuzzy file `/add`ing functionality
Plug 'sindrets/diffview.nvim' -- Optional, but great for diff viewing
Plug 'j-hui/fidget.nvim' -- Optional but great option for viewing Aider output
Plug 'willothy/flatten.nvim' -- Only if you care about using /editor command
lua << EOF
-- Auto trigger diffview after Aider's file changes
after_update_hook = function()
require("diffview").open({ "HEAD^" })
-- Customize how Aider output is viewed
notify = function(...)
-- Add keymaps
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>as', '<cmd>AiderSpawn<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Toggle Aider (default)' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>au', '<cmd>AiderSend /undo<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Aider undo' })
vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 't', 'n' }, '<C-x>', '<cmd>AiderToggle<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Toggle Aider' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>al', '<cmd>AiderLoad<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Add file to aider' })
vim.keymap.set({ 'v', 'n' }, '<leader>ad', '<cmd>AiderAsk<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Ask with selection' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ams', '<cmd>AiderSend /model sonnet<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Switch to sonnet' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>amh', '<cmd>AiderSend /model haiku<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Switch to haiku' })
call plug#end()
:AiderToggle [direction]
- Toggle the Aider terminal window. Optional direction can be:vertical
- Switch to vertical splithorizontal
- Switch to horizontal splitfloat
- Switch to floating window (default)tab
- Switch to new tab- When called without a direction argument, it opens in the to the last specified direction (or the toggleterm specified default). With a direction argument, it will switch the terminal to that layout (even if already open).
:AiderLoad [files...]
- Load files into Aider session, defaults to the current file when no args are specified -
:AiderAsk [prompt]
- Ask a question about code using the /ask command. If no prompt is provided, it will open an input popup. In visual mode, the selected text is appended to the prompt. -
:AiderSend [command]
- Send any command to Aider. In visual mode, the selected text is appended to the command.
When fzf-lua is installed, you can use Ctrl-l
in the file picker to load files into Aider:
- Single file: Navigate to a file and press
to load it into Aider - Multiple files: Use
to select multiple files, then pressCtrl-l
to load all selected files - The files will be automatically added to your current Aider session if one exists, or start a new session if none is active
- If
is set (as per the default), the file will be added in the background, otherwise Aider will be brought to the foreground
- If
- FZF also support a select-all behavior, which can be used to load all files matching a suffix for example
When Telescope is installed, you can use <C-l>
load files into Aider:
- Current pickers with this registered action include: find_files, git_files, buffers and oldfiles
- Single file: Navigate to a file and press
to load it into Aider. - Multiple files: Use multi-select to choose files (default ), then press
to load all selected files. - The files will be automatically added to your current Aider session if one exists, or start a new session if none is active.
- If
is set (as per the default), the file will be added in the background, otherwise Aider will be brought to the foreground
- If
The plugin can be configured during setup:
-- Enable the new `--watch-files` feature so Aider will auto respond to AI/AI! comments
watch_files = true,
-- Always start Aider so it's ready to react to your comments.
-- Alternatively run `AiderSpawn` manually to start on-demand
spawn_on_startup = true,
-- Editor command to run when triggered via `/editor`.
-- Defaults to using flatten plugin to trigger a none-nested neovim session
editor_command = nil,
-- Trigger key to run when in fzf-lua to `/add` selected file/s to Aider.
fzf_action_key = "ctrl-l",
-- Trigger key to run when in telescope to `/add` selected file/s to Aider.
telescope_action_key = "<C-l>",
-- Command used to notify on Aider activity.
-- For a low-intrusive option that works great with Aider.nvim, try [fidget](https://github.com/j-hui/fidget.nvim)
-- e.x. `notify = require("fidget").notify
notify = vim.notify,
-- Add additional args to aider as a table of strings
-- e.x. `aider_args = {"--no-auto-commit"}` to disable auto git commits.
aider_args = {},
-- Add additional commands to run after Aider updates file/s.
-- E.x. you can auto trigger diffs with the diffview plugin:
-- `after_update_hook = function() require("diffview").open({'HEAD^'}) end`
after_update_hook = nil,
-- Specify which models to use for `Telescope model_picker` (should be valid lua regex)
model_picker_search = { "^anthropic/", "^openai/", "^gemini/" },
-- Always open terminal in insert mode
auto_insert = true
-- Whether to focus the terminal window when spawning Aider
-- If false, Aider will run in the background
focus_on_spawn = false,
-- When CWD changes, restart aider
-- Each terminal in indexed to current working director, so this is not required for multiple project support
restart_on_chdir = false,
-- Auto scroll the terminal on new output
auto_scroll = false,
-- Whether to enable aider `--dark-mode` can be boolean or function
dark_mode = function()
return vim.o.background == "dark"
-- Function to run when term is initially opened
on_term_open = function()
local function tmap(key, val)
local opt = { buffer = 0 }
vim.keymap.set("t", key, val, opt)
-- exit insert mode
tmap("<Esc>", "<C-\\><C-n>")
tmap("jj", "<C-\\><C-n>")
-- enter command mode
tmap(":", "<C-\\><C-n>:")
-- scrolling up/down
tmap("<C-u>", "<C-\\><C-n><C-u>")
tmap("<C-d>", "<C-\\><C-n><C-d>")
-- remove line numbers
vim.wo.number = false
vim.wo.relativenumber = false
win = {
-- default direction when none specified, can be 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'tab' | 'float'
direction = "float",
-- specify a size for the horizontal or vertical
size = function(term)
if term.direction == "horizontal" then
return math.floor(vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0) * 0.4)
elseif term.direction == "vertical" then
return math.floor(vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0) * 0.4)
The plugin automatically sets the --dark-mode
flag when Neovim's background
option is set to "dark". This ensures aider's UI matches your Neovim theme.