By using this application, Shopkeeper can rent the book to the customer for certain time period and can track the status of the book. This is kind of "Library Management System". It calculates the rent amount automatically based on number of days the book is borrowed. Customers will be added as members of that bookshop. Shopkeeper can update the status of the books once it is Borrowed/Returned by the customer.
It gives you feel of Single Page Application as it is designed using Angular JS. Bootstrap's features makes this application adaptable to any device or browser. Currently application reads the book details from JSON file but later it can be changed to read it from database.
More functionalities can be easily added in future because of its modular design.
Technologies Used:- Angular JS | JSON | Bootstrap | HTML | CSS.
Home Screen
Book Categories
Filter books based on selected "category"
Filter book based on "book name" or "books category" entered in "Search Book" textbox
Add Customers Details
Customer Details Page
Edit Custmer Details
On selection of the book, book details are showned in the opened dialog box. It suggests the customers email id based on the input you entered in email textbox
"From date" is automatically selected from the current date. Select the "To date" from Popup Calendar
Rent amount is automatically calculated based on the date selected
Book and customer details added with "Borrowed" book status
Book status gets automatically changed to "Rented Out" in book list which means it is not available in stock for others
Once the book is returned, Status gets changed to "Returned"
Book status gets automatically changed to "Available", now it is available for others