Personal note on use: I needed to add to my PATH variable the MATLAB binary (~/MATLAB/R2013a/bin/matlab)
export PATH=~/MATLAB/R2013a/bin:$PATH
A Freecell's mlabwrap fork for raw communication with Matlab(TM) using pipes under unix.
This version differs slightly from the original in the path and version
detection. The original was optimized for Mac's here we use unix which
command for the directory and the actual directory name for the version.
The code is also pep8-ed
. We also added some modification to make it
compatible with MatlabTM R2013a.
The original package also provide
for seamless
use in an interactive session. This fork however is aimed to provide a way to
write "wrappers" around some functions that are not yet present in python in a
more explicit
from matlabpipe import MatlabPipe
matlab = MatlabPipe(matlab_version='2013a')
def t_tide(arr, fout=None):
lat = 42.7
interval = dt
start = ', '.join([str(k) for k in dates[0].timetuple()[:6]])
matlab.put({'arr': detrend(arr)})
cmd = r"""[tidestruc, pout] = t_tide(arr, ...
'interval', %s, ...
'start', datenum(%s), ...
'latitude', %s, ...
'error', 'cboot', ...
'synthesis', 1, ...
'output', '%s');""" % (interval, start, lat, fout)
out = matlab.eval(cmd)
map(matlab.eval, ("freq = tidestruc.freq;",
"tidecon = tidestruc.tidecon;",
"name =;"))
pout, freq, tidecon, name = map(matlab.get,
('pout', 'freq', 'tidecon', 'name'))
return pout, freq, tidecon, name