An assortment of bundling utility classes like custom transformers that can generate source maps and fixes for the ASP.NET Web Optimization bundling framework.
I plan on releasing this as a NuGet package, but I've never gotten that far, so for the people who just want the code, here it all is.
Disclaimer: I haven't got VS on this computer (I'm out and about) so haven't built this, let me know if there is anything amiss like namespaces or missing files. Cheers.
(note: has a dependency on AjaxMin which can be grabbed from NuGet. Currently it seems it only supports generation, but my builder should support CSS once AjaxMin does.)
BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new AjaxMinBundle("MyBundleVirtualPath", BundleFileTypes.JavaScript)
.Include("MyJsFileOne.js", "MyJsFileTwo.js")
BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new AjaxMinBundle("MyBundleVirtualPath", BundleFileTypes.StyleSheet)
.Include("MyCssFileOne.css, new CssRewriteUrlTransformFixed())
.Include("MyCssFileTwo.css, new CssRewriteUrlTransformFixed())