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Fix nested struct detection
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Nicholas Thomson committed Feb 4, 2023
1 parent 79594c4 commit d84ea0b
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Showing 5 changed files with 74 additions and 185 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pkg/generate/ack/controller.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ var (
return code.InitializeNestedStructField(r, sourceVarName, f,
apiPkgImportName, indentLevel)
"GoCodeReferenceForField": func(r *ackmodel.CRD, f *ackmodel.Field, sourceVarName string, indentLevel int) string {
"GoCodeResolveReference": func(r *ackmodel.CRD, f *ackmodel.Field, sourceVarName string, indentLevel int) string {
return code.ResolveReferencesForField(r, f, sourceVarName, indentLevel)
Expand Down
117 changes: 58 additions & 59 deletions pkg/generate/code/resource_reference.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,55 +190,55 @@ func ReferenceFieldsPresent(
// condition and updating the concrete field with the referenced value.
// Sample code:
// if ko.Spec.SecurityGroupRefs != nil &&
// len(ko.Spec.SecurityGroupRefs) > 0 {
// resolvedReferences := []*string{}
// for _, arrw := range ko.Spec.SecurityGroupRefs {
// arr := arrw.From
// if arr == nil || arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
// return fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty")
// }
// namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{
// Namespace: namespace,
// Name: *arr.Name,
// }
// obj := ec2apitypes.SecurityGroup{}
// err := apiReader.Get(ctx, namespacedName, &obj)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// var refResourceSynced, refResourceTerminal bool
// for _, cond := range obj.Status.Conditions {
// if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeResourceSynced &&
// cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
// refResourceSynced = true
// }
// if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeTerminal &&
// cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
// refResourceTerminal = true
// }
// }
// if refResourceTerminal {
// return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
// "SecurityGroup",
// namespace, *arr.Name)
// }
// if !refResourceSynced {
// return ackerr.ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor(
// "SecurityGroup",
// namespace, *arr.Name)
// ```
// refVal := ""
// if ko.Spec.TargetRef != nil && ko.Spec.TargetRef.From != nil {
// arr := ko.Spec.TargetRef.From
// if arr == nil || arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
// return fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty")
// }
// namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{
// Namespace: namespace,
// Name: *arr.Name,
// }
// obj := svcapitypes.Integration{}
// err := apiReader.Get(ctx, namespacedName, &obj)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// var refResourceSynced, refResourceTerminal bool
// for _, cond := range obj.Status.Conditions {
// if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeResourceSynced &&
// cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
// refResourceSynced = true
// }
// if obj.Status.ID == nil {
// return ackerr.ResourceReferenceMissingTargetFieldFor(
// "SecurityGroup",
// namespace, *arr.Name,
// "Status.ID")
// if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeTerminal &&
// cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
// refResourceTerminal = true
// }
// referencedValue := string(*obj.Status.ID)
// resolvedReferences = append(resolvedReferences, &referencedValue)
// }
// ko.Spec.SecurityGroupIDs = resolvedReferences
// if refResourceTerminal {
// return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
// "Integration",
// namespace, *arr.Name)
// }
// if !refResourceSynced {
// return ackerr.ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor(
// "Integration",
// namespace, *arr.Name)
// }
// if obj.Status.IntegrationID == nil {
// return ackerr.ResourceReferenceMissingTargetFieldFor(
// "Integration",
// namespace, *arr.Name,
// "Status.IntegrationID")
// }
// refVal = string(*obj.Status.IntegrationID)
// }
// ko.Spec.Target = &refVal
// ```
func ResolveReferencesForField(r *model.CRD, field *model.Field, sourceVarName string, indentLevel int) string {
fp := fieldpath.FromString(field.Path)

Expand All @@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ func ResolveReferencesForField(r *model.CRD, field *model.Field, sourceVarName s
fieldAccessPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", sourceVarName, r.Config().PrefixConfig.SpecField)
targetVarName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.%s", sourceVarName, r.Config().PrefixConfig.SpecField, field.Path)

hasSeenList := false
for idx := 0; idx < fp.Size(); idx++ {
curFP := fp.CopyAt(idx).String()
cur, ok := r.Fields[curFP]
Expand All @@ -259,26 +258,23 @@ func ResolveReferencesForField(r *model.CRD, field *model.Field, sourceVarName s
ref := cur.ShapeRef

indent := strings.Repeat("\t", indentLevel+idx)
fieldAccessPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fieldAccessPrefix, fp.At(idx))

if ref.Shape.Type == "structure" {
if hasSeenList {
// TODO(nithomso): add support for structs nested within lists
// The logic for structs nested within lists needs to not only
// be added here, but also in a custom patching solution since
// it isn't supported by `StrategicMergePatch`
// see community#1291 for more details
panic("references within structs inside lists aren't supported")
fieldAccessPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fieldAccessPrefix, fp.At(idx))

outPrefix += fmt.Sprintf("%sif %s != nil {\n", indent, fieldAccessPrefix)
outSuffix = fmt.Sprintf("%s}\n%s", indent, outSuffix)
} else if ref.Shape.Type == "list" {
if hasSeenList {
if (fp.Size() - idx) > 1 {
// TODO(nithomso): add support for structs nested within lists
// The logic for structs nested within lists needs to not only
// be added here, but also in a custom patching solution since
// it isn't supported by `StrategicMergePatch`
// see
panic("references within lists inside lists aren't supported")
fieldAccessPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fieldAccessPrefix, fp.At(idx))

hasSeenList = true
iterVarName := fmt.Sprintf("iter%d", idx)
refsTarget := "refVals"

Expand All @@ -295,6 +291,9 @@ func ResolveReferencesForField(r *model.CRD, field *model.Field, sourceVarName s
} else {
// base case for single references
refTarget := "refVal"
fieldAccessPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fieldAccessPrefix, cur.GetReferenceFieldName().Camel)

outPrefix += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s := \"\"\n", indent, refTarget)
outPrefix += resolveSingleReference(field, fieldAccessPrefix, refTarget, false, indentLevel+idx)
outPrefix += fmt.Sprintf("%s%s = &%s\n", indent, targetVarName, refTarget)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,9 +357,9 @@ func resolveSingleReference(field *model.Field, sourceVarName string, targetVarN

if shouldAppendTarget {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s = append(%s, string(*obj.%s))\n", indent, targetVarName, targetVarName, field.FieldConfig.References.Path)
out += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s = append(%s, obj.%s)\n", indent, targetVarName, targetVarName, field.FieldConfig.References.Path)
} else {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s := string(*obj.%s)\n", indent, targetVarName, field.FieldConfig.References.Path)
out += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s = string(*obj.%s)\n", indent, targetVarName, field.FieldConfig.References.Path)
out += fmt.Sprintf("%s}\n", indent)

Expand Down
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions pkg/generate/code/resource_reference_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,8 +211,9 @@ func Test_ReferenceForField_SingleReference(t *testing.T) {
crd := testutil.GetCRDByName(t, g, "Integration")
expected :=
` if ko.Spec.APIID != nil && ko.Spec.APIID.From != nil {
arr := ko.Spec.APIID.From
` refVal := ""
if ko.Spec.APIRef != nil && ko.Spec.APIRef.From != nil {
arr := ko.Spec.APIRef.From
if arr == nil || arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ func Test_ReferenceForField_SingleReference(t *testing.T) {
namespace, *arr.Name,
refVal := string(*obj.Status.APIID)
refVal = string(*obj.Status.APIID)
ko.Spec.APIID = &refVal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ func Test_ReferenceForField_SliceOfReferences(t *testing.T) {
namespace, *arr.Name,
refVals = append(refVals, string(*obj.Status.ID))
refVals = append(refVals, obj.Status.ID)
ko.Spec.SecurityGroupIDs = refVals
Expand All @@ -339,8 +340,9 @@ func Test_ReferenceForField_NestedSingleReference(t *testing.T) {
expected :=
` if ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration != nil {
if ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration.Issuer != nil && ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration.Issuer.From != nil {
arr := ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration.Issuer.From
refVal := ""
if ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration.IssuerRef != nil && ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration.IssuerRef.From != nil {
arr := ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration.IssuerRef.From
if arr == nil || arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,7 +382,7 @@ func Test_ReferenceForField_NestedSingleReference(t *testing.T) {
namespace, *arr.Name,
refVal := string(*obj.Status.APIID)
refVal = string(*obj.Status.APIID)
ko.Spec.JWTConfiguration.Issuer = &refVal
Expand All @@ -406,8 +408,9 @@ func Test_ReferenceForField_SingleReference_DeeplyNested(t *testing.T) {
expected :=
` if ko.Spec.Logging != nil {
if ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled != nil {
if ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled.TargetBucket != nil && ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled.TargetBucket.From != nil {
arr := ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled.TargetBucket.From
refVal := ""
if ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled.TargetBucketRef != nil && ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled.TargetBucketRef.From != nil {
arr := ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled.TargetBucketRef.From
if arr == nil || arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,7 +450,7 @@ func Test_ReferenceForField_SingleReference_DeeplyNested(t *testing.T) {
namespace, *arr.Name,
refVal := string(*obj.Spec.Name)
refVal = string(*obj.Spec.Name)
ko.Spec.Logging.LoggingEnabled.TargetBucket = &refVal
Expand Down
63 changes: 2 additions & 61 deletions templates/pkg/resource/references.go.tpl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,67 +115,8 @@ func resolveReferenceFor{{ $field.FieldPathWithUnderscore }}(
{{ end -}}

{{- $fp := ConstructFieldPath $field.Path -}}
{{ $_ := $fp.Pop -}}
{{ $isNested := gt $fp.Size 0 -}}
{{ $isList := eq $field.ShapeRef.Shape.Type "list" -}}
{{ if and (not $isList) (not $isNested) -}}
if ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }} != nil &&
ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }}.From != nil {
arr := ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }}.From
{{ template "read_referenced_resource_and_validate" $field }}
referencedValue := string(*obj.{{ $field.FieldConfig.References.Path }})
ko.Spec.{{ $field.Path }} = &referencedValue
{{ else if not $isNested -}}
if ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }} != nil &&
len(ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }}) > 0 {
resolvedReferences := []*string{}
for _, arrw := range ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }} {
arr := arrw.From
{{ template "read_referenced_resource_and_validate" $field }}
referencedValue := string(*obj.{{ $field.FieldConfig.References.Path }})
resolvedReferences = append(resolvedReferences, &referencedValue)
ko.Spec.{{ $field.Path }} = resolvedReferences

{{ else }}
{{ $parentField := index .CRD.Fields $fp.String }}
{{ if eq $parentField.ShapeRef.Shape.Type "list" -}}
if len(ko.Spec.{{ $parentField.Path }}) > 0 {
for _, elem := range ko.Spec.{{ $parentField.Path }} {
arrw := elem.{{ $field.GetReferenceFieldName.Camel }}

if arrw == nil || arrw.From == nil {

arr := arrw.From
if arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty")

{{ template "read_referenced_resource_and_validate" $field }}
referencedValue := string(*obj.{{ $field.FieldConfig.References.Path }})
elem.{{ $field.Names.Camel }} = &referencedValue
{{ else -}}
if ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }} != nil &&
len(ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }}) > 0 {
resolvedReferences := []*string{}
for _, arrw := range ko.Spec.{{ $field.ReferenceFieldPath }} {
arr := arrw.From
{{ template "read_referenced_resource_and_validate" $field }}
referencedValue := string(*obj.{{ $field.FieldConfig.References.Path }})
resolvedReferences = append(resolvedReferences, &referencedValue)
ko.Spec.{{ $field.Path }} = resolvedReferences
{{ end -}}
{{ GoCodeResolveReference .CRD $field "ko" 1 }}
return nil
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
54 changes: 0 additions & 54 deletions templates/pkg/resource/references_read_referenced_resource.go.tpl

This file was deleted.

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