AWS Advanced JDBC Driver - v2.3.7
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[2.3.7] - 2024-06-05
🪄 Added
- Documentation:
- Warnings of transitive dependencies for IAM, Federated, and Okta Authentication plugins (PR #1007).
- Section in Known Limitations regarding Virtual Threading and possible pinning due to use of
in the codebase (Issue #1024).
🐛 Fixed
- Driver incorrectly truncating nested connection options when parsing connection urls resulting in unexpected errors (PR #988).
incorrectly returning false (Issue #1000).- Documentation:
- Incorrect reference to Federated Authentication Plugin (PR #1008).
- Broken links in code example documentation (Issue #1017).