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Predicate Pushdown How To

Anthony Virtuoso edited this page Nov 23, 2019 · 1 revision

This page is a work in progress.

Where relevant, Athena will supply you with the associative portion of the query predicate so that you can perform filtering or push the predicate into your source system for even better performance. It is important to note that the predicate is not always the query's full predicate. For example, if the query's predicate was "where (col0 < 1 or col1 < 10) and col2 + 10 < 100" only the "col0 < 1 or col1 < 10" will be supplied to you at this time. We are still considering the best form for supplying connectors with a more complete view of the query and its predicate and expect a future release to provide this to connectors that are capable of utilizing