Detecting and explaining pneumonia types using chest X-ray images
First of all, clone this repository to your local machine and access the main dir via the following command:
git clone
cd DAViT
Then, install the Python dependencies via the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We highly recommend you check out this installation guide for the "torch" library so you can install the appropriate version on your device.
To utilize GPU (optional), you also need to install the CUDA library, you may want to check out this installation guide.
Python 3.12.7 is recommended, which has been fully tested without issues.
Download the necessary data and unzip via the following command:
cd data
cd ..
DAViT (proposed approach)
- Download Pre-Trained Models
cd davit/saved_models/checkpoint-best-f1 sh cd ../..
- Training + Inference (Pneumonia Detection)
sh cd ..
- Training + Inference (Pneumonia Explanation)
sh cd ..
Simply remove "do_train" in the shell script if you only want to do inference with pre-trained models
To reproduce baseline approaches, please follow the instructions below:
- Step 1: cd to the specific baseline folder you wish to reproduce, e.g., "inception_v3"
- Step 2: cd to the models folder, e.g., "saved_models/checkpoint-best-f1"
- Step 3: download the models via "sh" and "cd ../.."
- Step 4: find the shell script named as "" for pneumonia detection and "" for pneumonia explanation
Simply remove "do_train" in the shell script if you only want to do inference with pre-trained models
A concrete example is provided as follows:
Inception V3
- Download Pre-Trained Models
cd inception_v3/saved_models/checkpoint-best-f1 sh cd ../..
- Training + Inference (Pneumonia Detection)
sh cd ..
- Training + Inference (Pneumonia Explanation)
sh cd ..
under review at PLOS ONE