The Paths component contains point, linear, curved, disjoint, combination, and subset paths used in animation, particle effects, and networking. Any data type can be a point - as long as it has a Calculator< T > implementation.
- None
: The base class which uses a set of points to generate another point given a delta value between 0.0 and 1.0PathGenerator
: Generates an empty path or a path given a set of points.Point Paths
(listed in order from least complex to most)Point
: The generated point can only be one value.Jump
: The generated point can be one of many values - all evenly separated. This is useful for sprint animations.
Linear Paths
(listed in order from least complex to most)Tween
: A path between two pointsIntegral
: A path between N evenly interpolated points (moves a value at the same speed between each point no matter how "far" they are from each other)Delta
: A path between N points spaced based on N delta values (controls how much time it takes to get from each point in the form of deltas)Linear
: A path between N points interpolated based on their distance apart (useful for moving a value at a consistent speed between points)Timed
: A path between N points spaced based on N times (controls how much time it takes to get from each point - used in keyframe animations)Eased
: A path between N points spaced based on N times with an easing (controls how much time it takes to get from each point and an easing between each point - used in keyframe animations)
Curved Paths
(listed in order by least to most close to direct path)Quadratic
: A path with 3 points, two being start & end points and the other point being a control point.
: A path with 4 points, two being start & end points and the other two being control points.
: A generic (N point) version of Cubic & Quadratic Paths.
: A path with 4 points, two being start & end points and the other two being tangents off of the start and end points.ParametricCubic
: A generic parametric cubic path which accepts a matrix and weight.
: A specific ParametricCubic path.
: A path that goes through all N points smoothly.
: A path that more closely follows the direct paths between points by following the lines and then cutting the corners to the next line.
: A path that closely follows the direct paths between points that also goes through all points.
: A path where each turn between lines is a quadratic curve - you can control how large the curve from line to line is.
Composite Paths
: Adds the result of two paths together.Scaled
: Scales the result of a path by a given value.Sub
: Generates points based on a subset of another path.Combo
: A combination of multiple paths.Compiled
: An integral path generated from N point calculations of another path.Uniform
: A linear path generated from N point calculations of another path.
- set( out: T, delta: float ): T
- get( delta: float ): T
- getPointCount(): int
- getPoint( index: int ): T
- setPoints( points: T[] ): int
- getCalculator(): Calculator< T >
- setCalculator( calculator: Calculator< T > ): void
- create(): Path< T >
- create( calculator: Calculator< T > ): Path< T >
- create( calculator: Calculator< T >, points: T[] ): Path< T >
- point: T
- points: T[]
- start: T
- end: T
- points: T[]
- points: T[]
- deltas: float[]
- points: T[]
- times: float[]
- easings: Easing[]
- p0: T
- p1: T
- p2: T
- p0: T
- p1: T
- p2: T
- p3: T
- points: T[]
- weights: int[]
- inverses: float[]
- start: T
- startTangent: T
- end: T
- endTangent: T
- points: T[]
- matrix: float[] []
- weight: float
- invert: boolean
- loop: boolean
- points: T[]
- depth: int
- loops: boolean
- midpoint: float
- points: T[]
- depth: int
- looseness: float
- roughness: float
- loops: boolean
- points: T[]
- midpoint: float
- loops: boolean
- first: Path< T >
- second: Path< T >
- path: Path< T >
- scale: T
- path: Path< T >
- start: float
- end: float
- paths: Path< T >[]
- times: float[]