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Model overview

image of segmentation obtained from this model

AxonDeepSeg default SEM model and testing image. This model works at a resolution of 0.1 micrometer per pixel and was trained on rat spinal cord data collected via a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).

Segment (ADS)

To segment an image using this model, use the following command in an axondeepseg virtual environment:

axondeepseg -t SEM -i <IMG_PATH> -s <PIXEL_SIZE>

The -m option can be omitted in this case because this is a default built-in model.

Train and test (ivadomed)


This model was trained and tested with ivadomed. We recommend you install ivadomed in a virtual environment to reproduce the original training steps. The specific revision hash of the version used for training is documented in the version_info.log file.

Clone this repository

You will need the model_seg_rat_axon-myelin_sem.json configuration file located in this repo.

git clone

Get the data

The SEM dataset used to train this model is hosted on GitHub here. The specific dataset revision hash used for training is documented in the version_info.log file.

Train this model

To train the model, please first update the following fields in the aforementioned JSON configuration file:

  • gpu_ids: specific to your hardware
  • path_output: where the model will be saved
  • loader_parameters:path_data: path to training data
  • loader_parameters:bids_config: path to the custom bids config located in ivadomed/config/config_bids.json
  • split_dataset:fname_split: path to the split_dataset.joblib file

Then, you can train the model with

ivadomed --train -c path/to/model_seg_rat_axon-myelin_sem.json

The trained model file will be saved under the path_output directory. For more information about training models in ivadomed, please refer to the following tutorial.

Evaluate this model

To test the performance of this model, use

ivadomed --test -c path_to_config_file.json

The evaluation results will be saved in "path_output"/results_eval/evaluation_3Dmetrics.csv

Train and test with nnUNetv2


Structure of the nn_unet_scripts Directory

This directory contains the following components:

  • Conversion Script: This script,, is responsible for converting the SEM segmentation dataset from the BIDS format to the format expected by nnUNetv2. The script requires two arguments: the path to the original dataset and the target directory for the new dataset. Here is an example of how to run the script:

For more information about the script and its additional arguments, run the script with the -h flag:

python scripts/ -h
  • Setup Script: This script sets up the nnUNet environment and runs the preprocessing and dataset integrity verification. To run execute the following command:
  • Training Script: This script is used to train the nnUNet model. It requires four arguments:
    • DATASET_ID: The ID of the dataset to be used for training. This should be an integer.
    • DATASET_NAME: The name of the dataset. This will be used to form the full dataset name in the format "DatasetNUM_DATASET_NAME".
    • DEVICE: The device to be used for training. This could be a GPU device ID or 'cpu' for CPU, 'mps' for M1/M2 or 'cuda' for any GPU.
    • FOLDS: The folds to be used for training. This should be a space-separated list of integers. To run the training script, execute the following command:
./nn_unet_scripts/ <DATASET_ID> <DATASET_NAME> <DEVICE> <FOLDS...>
  • Train Test Split File: This file is a JSON file that contains the training and testing split for the dataset. It is used by the conversion script above. The file should be named train_test_split.json and placed in the same directory as the dataset.

Setting Up Conda Environment

To set up the environment and run the scripts, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new conda environment:
conda create --name sem_seg
  1. Activate the environment:
conda activate sem_seg
  1. Install PyTorch, torchvision, and torchaudio. For NeuroPoly lab members using the GPU servers, use the following command:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia

For others, please refer to the PyTorch installation guide at to get the appropriate command for your system.

  1. Update the environment with the remaining dependencies:
conda env update --file environment.yaml

Setting Up nnUNet

  1. Activate the environment:
conda activate sem_seg
  1. To train the model, first, you need to set up nnUNet and preprocess the dataset. This can be done by running the setup script:

Training nnUNet

After setting up the nnUNet and preprocessing the dataset, you can train the model using the training script. The script requires the following arguments:

  • DATASET_ID: The ID of the dataset to be used for training. This should be an integer.
  • DATASET_NAME: The name of the dataset. This will be used to form the full dataset name in the format "DatasetNUM_DATASET_NAME".
  • DEVICE: The device to be used for training. This could be a GPU device ID or 'cpu' for CPU, 'mps' for M1/M2 or 'cuda' for any GPU.
  • FOLDS: The folds to be used for training. This should be a space-separated list of integers. To run the training script, execute the following command:
./nn_unet_scripts/ <DATASET_ID> <DATASET_NAME> <DEVICE> <FOLDS...>


After training the model, you can perform inference using the following command:

python scripts/ --path-dataset ${RESULTS_DIR}/nnUNet_raw/Dataset<FORMATTED_DATASET_ID>_<DATASET_NAME>/imagesTs --path-out <WHERE/TO/SAVE/RESULTS> --path-model ${RESULTS_DIR}/nnUNet_results/Dataset<FORMATTED_DATASET_ID>_<DATASET_NAME>/nnUNetTrainer__nnUNetPlans__2d/ --use-gpu --use-best-checkpoint

The --use-best-checkpoint flag is optional. If used, the model will use the best checkpoints for inference. If not used, the model will use the latest checkpoints. Based on empirical results, using the --use-best-checkpoint flag is recommended.

Note: <FORMATTED_DATASET_ID> should be a three-digit number where 1 would become 001 and 23 would become 023.