- #165: Copy as plugins
- #174: Store git cache in XDG_CACHE_DIR
- #107: Add -v to show current moban version
- #164: support additional data formats
- #178: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'target' referenced before assignment
- #169: uses GitPython instead of barebone git commands
- #90: allow adding extra jinja2 extensions. jinja2.ext.do, jinja2.ext.loopcontrols are included by default. what's more, any other template enigne are eligible for extension additions.
- #158: Empty file base_engine.py is finally removed
- #141: disable file permissions copy feature and not to check file permission changes on windows.
- #154: introduce first ever positional argument for string base template.
- #157: the exit code behavior changed. for backward compactibility please use --exit-code. Otherwise, moban will not tell if there is any changes.
- #146: added a low-setup usage mode via environment variables to moban
- #148: include test related files in the package for package validation when distributing via linux system, i.e. OpenSuse
- #143: moban shall report permission error and continue the rest of the copying task.
- #122: Since 0.3.6, moban is tested on windows and macos too, using azure build pipelines. It is already tested extensively on travis-ci on linux os.
- #37: moban will report line number where the value is empty and the name of mobanfile. Switch from pyyaml to ruamel.yaml.
- #137: missing contributors.rst file
- global variables to store the target and template file names in the jinja2 engine
- moban-handlebars is tested to work well with this version and above
- Template engine interface has been clarified and documented
- alternative and expanded syntax for requires, so as to accomendate github submodule recursive
- requires shall support configuration dirs. In other words, configuration file could be stored in python package or git repository.
- #97: requires will clone a repo if given. Note: only github, gitlab, bitbucket for now
- #89: Install pypi-hosted mobans through requires syntax
- #96: Fix for FileNotFoundError for plugins
- various documentation updates
- #88: removed python 2.6 support
- removed python 3.3 support
- #32: option 1 copy a directory without its subdirectories.
- #30: command line template option is ignore when a moban file is present
- #76: running moban as a module from python command
- #32: copy a directory recusively
- #33: template all files in a directory
- #31: create directory if missing during copying
- #28: if a template has been copied once before, it is skipped in the next moban call
- templates using the same template engine will be templated as a group
- update lml dependency to 0.0.3
- #18: file exists test
- #23: custom jinja plugins
- #26: repr filter
- #47: allow the expansion of template engine
- #58: allow template type per template
- #34: fix plural message if single file is processed
- #21: targets become optional
- #19: transfer symlink's target file's file permission under unix/linux systems
- #16: introduce copy key word in mobanfile
- handle unicode on python 2
- #13: strip off new lines in the templated file
- the ability to present a long text as multi-line paragraph with a custom upper limit
- speical filter expand github references: pull request and issues
- #15: fix templating syntax to enable python 2.6
- #14, provide shell exit code
- #11, recognize .moban.yaml as well as .moban.yml.
- #9, preserve file permissions of the source template.
- -m option is added to allow you to specify a custom moban file. kinda related to issue 11.
- use explicit version name: moban_file_spec_version so that version can be used by users. #10 Please note: moban_file_spec_version is reserved for future file spec upgrade. For now, all files are assumed to be '1.0'. When there comes a new version i.e. 2.0, new moban file based on 2.0 will have to include 'moban_file_spec_version: 2.0'
- #8, verify the existence of custom template and configuration directories. default .moban.td, .moban.cd are ignored if they do not exist.
- Colorize error messages and processing messages. crayons become a dependency.
- Bring the visibility of environment variable into jinja2 templating process: #7
- added '-f' flag to force moban to template all files despite of .moban.hashes
- moban will not template target file in the situation where the changes occured in target file than in the source: the template file + the data configuration after moban has been applied. This new release will remove the change during mobanization process.
- Create a default hash store when processing a moban file. It will save unnecessary file write to the disc if the rendered content is not changed.
- Added summary reports
- Bug fix #5, should detect duplicated targets in .moban.yml file.
- Bug fix #4, keep trailing new lines
- Bug fix #1, failed to save utf-8 characters
- Initial release