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Do-It is a Advanced React To-Do Application with API Integration web application, designed to help users manage their to-do lists efficiently. The application features a clean, intuitive interface that supports both light and dark themes. It allows users to add, remove, and toggle tasks, as well as switch between grid and list views for task display.


  • Task Management: Add, remove, and toggle tasks between completed and pending states.
  • Sidebar Navigation: Easy access to different sections including all tasks, today’s tasks, important tasks, planned tasks, and assigned tasks.
  • Grid/List View: Toggle between grid and list views for displaying tasks.
  • Local Storage Integration: Persist data in local storage to maintain state across page reloads.

Technologies Used

  • React: JavaScript library for building Web UI.
  • Redux Toolkit: State management with slice reducers.
  • React Router Dom: For client-side routing.
  • Tailwind CSS: CSS framework for styling.


To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
  2. Move to Directory

    cd Do-It
  3. Install Depenxdencies

    npm install
  4. Run the Development Server

npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the app.

Folder Structure

  • src/components/: Contains reusable components like Navbar, SideBar, TodoItemDescription, and more.
  • src/features/: Contains Redux slices and reducers for managing tasks and app state.
  • src/routes/: Contains route components for different pages of the application.
  • src/app/: Contains the Redux store configuration and entry point for the application.


  • Adding Tasks: Enter a task in the input field on the "Today Tasks" page and click "ADD TASK" to add it to your list.
  • Navigating: Use the sidebar to navigate between different sections of the app.
  • Theme Switching: Toggle between light and dark themes using the theme switcher in the navbar.
  • View Switching: Change the task view between grid and list formats using the grid toggle button in the navbar.


Ayush Kansal