This is my zsh configuration, it's simple and meets my needs
Feel free to fork and customize to your needs
prompt: Starship
- π syntax highlighting
- ποΈ autosuggestions
- π€ fzf completions
Alpine Linux
sudo apk update && sudo apk upgrade && sudo apk add zsh fzf zoxide eza bat starship wget
Arch Linux
sudo pacman -Syu && sudo pacman -S zsh fzf zoxide eza bat starship wget
sudo yum update -y && sudo yum install zsh fzf zoxide eza bat starship wget
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y zsh fzf zoxide eza bat starship wget
sudo dnf update -y && sudo dnf install -y zsh fzf zoxide eza bat starship wget
sudo zypper update && sudo zypper install zsh fzf zoxide eza bat starship wget
wget -P $HOME && exec zsh
- π Zinit plugin manager
- π Starship prompt engine
- π History
- Duplicate command removed
- Blank space ignored
- βͺοΈ globdots to include hidden directories
- πΆοΈ zstyle
- fzf-tab completion
- fzf-tab z preview with bat
- fzf-tab bat file preview
- π· chafa image preview
- π₯Έ aliases
- ls. = 'ls -a | grep "^\\."'
- eza = 'eza --icons=always --tree --color=always --classify=always'
- rm = 'rm -r'
- mv = 'mv -v'
- cp = 'cp -a'
- bat = 'bat --color=auto'
- chafa = 'chafa --colors full --align center --animate on'
- π€ zsh-autosuggestions, accept suggestion bound to
- ποΈ zsh-completions for more definitions
- π parse through history
, search with zsh-fzf-history-search (ctrl+r
)- fzf-tab to search through possible commands and previews
- π zsh-syntax-highlighting