It is a fully responsive Trello Clone which followed the kanban's workflow made using React.js as the Frontend framework and Django as the backend.
Here is the backend hosted link: ""
Successfully managed the state of the application using a centralised system redux with redux-thunk as the middleware.
- Authentication system with signup,login,otp verification,resend otp,forgot password (fully validated with material-ui alerts)
- Dashboard to show the respective boards being fetched for different sections like starred board section, personal board section as well as the team board section.
- Create a personal or a team board.
- User profiles
- Create cards and list - the kanban's way
- Drag and drop implemented using React-beautiful-dnd
- Adding other members of flow from the board
- Adding other memebers of flow from the card
- Due date,checklist,description,invitation from the card
- Remove a card
- Archiving the card
- Starring the board
- Visibility for board : prive,public and team
- Create multiple boards for a team
- Add other members of flow to a team