gLua repos (old and unmaintained)
Discord: @azalty
GitHub via Discussions
gLua repos (old and unmaintained)
Discord: @azalty
GitHub via Discussions
No Dupe Account is a plugin that prevents players from joining the server if they have a duplicate or recent account
Forked from shanapu/MyJailbreak
A fork of MyJailbreak that contains fixes. Check the releases tab! (Don't forget to watch the repo to be notified of updates)
SourcePawn 5
Forked from shanapu/MyJailShop
MyJailShop is a redux rewrite of Dkmuniz Jail Shop and provide you a high customizable shop with credits system intended for jailbreak server.
SourcePawn 2
My attempt at fixing the important bugs of the CT Bans plugin from databomb
SourcePawn 1
Hosties+ is a fork of ENT_Hosties, which is a fork of SM_Hosties, a Jailbreak/ba_jail plugin with lots of features like lastrequest.
SourcePawn 5
A plugin that allows players to bet credits. The more you bet, the more chances you have of winning. For sourcemod.