This project is an internship project for Westerops. It is an E-commerce website that allows users to view products, add products to cart, and checkout. The website is built using React, Redux, and Tailwind CSS.
REST API: Ecoomerce Platzi
- Authentication
- Sign in
- User Interface
- Profile Page (protected route)
- Cart Page (protected route)
- Favorites Page (protected route)
- View products
- View product details
- Search products
- Filter products by category, price, and name
- User Actions
- Add, remove products from cart
- Add, remove products from favorites
- Checkout
- Features
- Pagination
- Responsive design
- Libraries & Tools
- Formik, Yup for form validation
- Redux for state management
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- TypeScript for type checking
- React Router for routing
- Axios for API requests
- React Icons for icons
- React Toastify for notifications
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start the development server
npm start
- Open the browser and go to