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Implicitly converts typeclass encoders to kafka Serializer, Deserializer, Serde.


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kafka-serde-scala provides implicit conversions from different type class Encoder/Decoder to kafka Serializer, Deserializer, Serde.

Following target libraries are supported:

Inspired by


Maven Central

Add dependencies for the selected integration:

  • for avro4s:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-avro4s" % version
  • for circe:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-circe" % version
  • for jackson:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-jackson" % version
  • for json4s:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-json4s" % version
  • for jsoniter-scala:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-jsoniter-scala" % version,
  "com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter-scala" %% "jsoniter-scala-macros" % jsoniter_scala_version % Provided // required only in compile-time
  • for play-json:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-play-json" % version
  • for upickle:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-upickle" % version
  • for scalapb:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-scalapb" % version
  • for zio-json:
libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "io.github.azhur" %% "kafka-serde-zio-json" % version


Mix xxxSupport into your code which requires implicit Kafka Serde, Serializer or Deserializer, where xxx is the target library used for serialization, i.e: CirceSupport.

Provide your implicit type class instances and the magic will convert them to Kafka serializers:

  • for avro4s: com.sksamuel.avro4s.SchemaFor[T], com.sksamuel.avro4s.ToRecord[T], com.sksamuel.avro4s.FromRecord[T]
  • for circe: io.circe.Encoder[T], io.circe.Decoder[T]
  • for jackson json: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
  • for jackson binary: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper, org.codehaus.jackson.FormatSchema
  • for json4s: org.json4s.DefaultFormats, org.json4s.Serialization
  • for jsoniter-scala: com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonValueCodec[T], (and optionally com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.WriterConfig or/and com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.ReaderConfig)
  • for play-json: play.api.libs.json.Reads, play.api.libs.json.Writes
  • for upickle: upickle.default.Reader, upickle.default.Writer
  • for scalapb: scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion
  • for zio-json: zio.json.JsonEncoder, zio.json.JsonDecoder

For more info, please, take a look at unit tests and at kafka-serde-scala-example which is a kafka-streams (2.x) application with kafka-serde-scala usage.


Feel free to contribute with creating PR or opening issues.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.