Link to the app.
ReactJS and SweetAlert2.
- A package manager like npm
Run these commands in the terminal: npm install npm start
The app should automatically open in a browser at the url: localhost:3000
To change the port number, change the following line in the package.json file to:
"start": "PORT=3006 react-scripts start"
High level list of items completed.
- Flashes a random pattern in increasing length.
- Checks user's clicked pattern and returns success or fail message.
- Sweet alerts used for user feedback.
Features that you would like to add at some point in the future.
- Making the play speed and other features customizable.
- A different style--using gradients, etc for the colors.
- Save high scores to a database.
- Make a fun introduction--flashing squares in a pattern.
Brendt Bly
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.