The repository and its related components have been tested under the following Ubuntu distributions:
- ROS Kinetic: Ubuntu 16.04
If you do not have a Ubuntu distribution on your computer you can download it here
Install the Git core components and some additional GUI's for the version control:
sudo apt-get install git-core gitg gitk git-gui
Now it's time to configure your settings. To do this you need to open a new Terminal. First you need to tell git your name, so that it can properly label the commits you make:
git config --global "Your Name Here"
Git also saves your email address into the commits you make.
git config --global ""
If you have never worked with git before, we recommend to go through the following basic git tutorial:
The repository has been tested successfully with the following ROS distributions. Use the link behind a ROS distribution to get to the particular ROS installation instructions.
- ROS Kinetic -
NOTE: Do not forget to update your .bashrc!
If you have never worked with ROS before, we recommend to go through the beginner tutorials provided by ROS:
In order to understand at least the different core components of ROS, you have to start from tutorial 1 ("Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment") till tutorial 7 ("Understanding ROS Services and Parameters").
The following instructions should get you a working system:
- Setup a catkin workspace
mkdir -p ~/kinetic/src && cd ~/kinetic
wstool init src
wstool merge -t src
- Get the code and dependencies
wstool update -t src
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=kinetic -y
- Building your code
cd ~/kinetic
catkin build
If no errors appear everything is ready to use. Great job!