Play the video in the console as ASCII art.
You can watch anime by it while you are connected by SSH.
Where there is light, there is Bad Apple!!
1080p60Hz on modern high-performance PCs.
The file extension generated by preloading is .badapple
Automatically enter preload-replay mode when the input file extension is .badapple
usage: badapple [options] ...
-i, --input video file (string [=./badapple.mp4])
-o, --output [preload] output file (string [=])
-f, --font font data file (string [=])
-a, --audio audio file (string [=])
-p, --player player [ffmpeg mpv mpg123 cmus] (string [=])
-s, --scale width:height (0 means auto) (string [=0:0])
-r, --rate frame rate (double [=1024])
--not_clear not clear screen (with ANSI) before each frame
--contrast contrast enhancement
--preload preload video (not play)
--debug [debug]
-?, --help print this message
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodule
git clone
cd Bad-Apple/
git submodule update --init
*Tested on x86_64 & aarch64
(Include ffmpeg
g++ "badapple-ffmpeg.cpp" -o "badapple-ffmpeg-win.exe" -w -g -O3
You may need to compile it yourself.
# Dynamic (libopencv_world481.dll)
g++ "badapple-opencv.cpp" -o "badapple-opencv481d-v2.1.0-win-amd64.exe" -w -g -O3 -I"$Env:OPENCV481\include" -L"$Env:OPENCV481\x64\mingw\lib" -llibopencv_world481
# Static (libopencv_world481.a)
g++ "badapple-opencv.cpp" -o "badapple-opencv481s-v2.1.0-win-amd64.exe" -w -g -O3 -static -I"$Env:OPENCV481A\include" -L"$Env:OPENCV481A\x64\mingw\staticlib" -lopencv_world481 -llibprotobuf -llibjpeg-turbo -llibwebp -llibpng -llibtiff -llibopenjp2 -lIlmImf -lzlib -lquirc -lade -lcomctl32 -lgdi32 -lole32 -lsetupapi -lwsock32 -lws2_32 -lpthread -luuid -loleaut32
Use your package manager to install or upgrade C++ compiler, FFmpeg and dependencies if need, like
# Debian Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --upgrade gcc g++ ffmpeg
# Arch
sudo pacman -Syu gcc ffmpeg
g++ "badapple-ffmpeg.cpp" -o "badapple-ffmpeg-linux.out" -w -g -O3
Use your package manager to install or upgrade C++ compiler, OpenCV and dependencies if need, like
# Debian Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --upgrade gcc g++ libopencv-dev pkg-config
# Arch
sudo pacman -Syu gcc opencv vtk hdf5 pkgconf
g++ "badapple-opencv.cpp" -o "badapple-opencv-linux.out" -w -g -O3 `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4`
If you don't want to change the font, (default font is Consola,) then you don't need to use Python.
pip install pillow
Change this line
f_font = 'font/consola.ttf'
to your font file path.
python -u "font/"
C++ Python module