A simple GUI application for reading the state of Stellaris save games written in Python.
Provides these key features:
- Reads basic game information faster than opening Stellaris and loading a save game.
- Calculates how many years (turns) are left before the victory year.
- Helps plan multiplayer games spanning multiple sessions.
SGI can be run by either one of two ways:
- Use the executible file:
- Download the latest release.
- Extract all files and launch stellaris_save_game_info v1.0.0.exe.
- Use the .py files:
- Install Python. SGI was built using version 3.9 and uses the standard library.
- Clone or download the repo.
- Launch the stellaris_save_game_info.py file.
This program was born out of some minor frustrations:
- The Stellaris load game menu onlys shows the current year, but not the victory year. It's not possible to determine how much of a game is left without loading the game. Both these operations take time. SGI provides this information in seconds.
- After setting the galaxy conditions at the beginning of the game they are not visible from any program menu.
- Other save game tools required too much system configuration, such as the installation of other programming frameworks, and didn't provide a single executible.
SGI searches for specific strings defined in the stellaris_save_game_info.ini. SGI does not parse Stellaris's save game format. It may be possible to search for other strings.
Variable | Usage |
game_variables_no_tab | Game settings. |
galaxy_variables_one_tab | Game galaxy settings. |
default_starting_year | The default starting year is 2200. |
stellaris_save_game_directory | Change this if necessary. |
last_used_save_file | SGI keeps track of the last save file used. |