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Waypoints Global Planner


Suppose the waypoints given for the predefined path in the form of YAML file or nav_msgs::Path message to track the path using any path tracking local planner, the global planner shall publish either the YAML or the nav_msgs::Path to make use of the Move Base plugin.

Waypoints global planner designed to publish the path from

  1. YAML file
  2. nav_msgs::Path buffer

Path Planning

Python path planner shall create waypoints based on user input points. Please refer "scripts" folder for more details.

How to compile

It is assumed that catkin workspace is available already to compile.


  • planner_frequency: 0.0
  • planner_patience: 1.0
  • base_global_planner: "waypoints_global_planner/WaypointsGlobalPlanner"
  • WaypointsGlobalPlanner:
    • map_frame: "map"

How to Launch

Please refer the YAML file format here

Set the base_global_planner parameter in Move Base navigation stack and publish the path using either of the listed launch files

  • roslaunch waypoints_global_planner desired_path_provider.launch
  • roslaunch waypoints_global_planner yaml_file_path_provider.launch


It is assumed that there are no obstracles present between start and the goal position and it is a static plan for path tracking robots.