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Carlo Maria Curinga edited this page May 28, 2018 · 13 revisions

Configuring your Boombeastic

Boombeastic Configuration Values

For more about service variables If you don’t set service variables, you’ll get the defaults. Which is fine.

Service Variable Default Description
mopidy MOPIDY_MPD_PORT 6680 the port on which expose the MPD service
mopidy MOPIDY_AUDIO_MIXER_VOLUME 20 the default volume
network PORTAL_SSID ResinAP the name of the Access Point that wifi-connect spawns if no known WiFi networks are found in order to expose WiFi configuration
ledmatrix LED_MATRIX_BRIGHTNESS 1 the brightness of the LED Matrix. Accepts integers between 0 and 15
ledmatrix NOLEDMATRIX 0 if set to 1 disables the LED Matrix

ProTip: this project uses resin wifi connect if you change wifi network (like if you take this to a friend’s house to finish working on it). It’s a cool little feature that helps if the networks configured on the Pi aren’t available. After checking for known networks and not finding any, it acts as an access point (setting up a captive portal) which will allow you to connect to it by computer or phone and configure the new WiFi credentials. Read more about how to use it here

Music Streaming Services

Now you should enable at least one music streaming service. Most of these services require an account. Youtube is free and doesn't require authentication.

If you have an account for a service you want to use with your Boombeastic, set the "ENABLED" variable to true and put your account information in the "Value" field on the "Environment Variable" section of the dashboard. If you don't have an account for a particular service or don't want to use it, just skip that service's section.

If you have questions about logging in, because you use a different service to access it, you’ll need to check Mopidy’s documentation for the service. For instance, if you want to know how to access your Spotify account with a Facebook login, you’ll go to the Spotify extension readme

Google Music

Service Variable Default Description
mopidy MOPIDY_GMUSIC_ENABLED 0 if set 1 loads the Google Play Music extension
mopidy MOPIDY_GMUSIC_USERNAME none your Google username
mopidy MOPIDY_GMUSIC_PASSWORD none your Google Play Music password (an app password is suggested as a best practice)
mopidy MOPIDY_GMUSIC_ALL_ACCESS 0 if set 1 configures the extension for handling the All Access subscription

Spotify (via mopidy)

Service Variable Default Description
mopidy MOPIDY_SPOTIFY_ENABLED 0 if set 1 loads the Spotify extension
mopidy MOPIDY_SPOTIFY_USERNAME none your Spotify username
mopidy MOPIDY_SPOTIFY_PASSWORD none your Spotify password

Spotify (via Spotify Connect, from your Spotify official app)

Service Variable Default Description
spotify SPOTIFY_USERNAME none your Spotify username. If set, will allow you to stream to the boombeastic remotely (from different networks, across the Internet)
spotify SPOTIFY_PASSWORD none your Spotify password. If set, will allow you to stream to the boombeastic remotely (from different networks, across the Internet)


Service Variable Default Description
mopidy MOPIDY_SOUNDCLOUD_ENABLED 0 if set to 1 loads the SoundCloud extension
mopidy MOPIDY_SOUNDCLOUD_AUTH_TOKEN none your SoundCloud token


Service Variable Default Description
mopidy MOPIDY_YOUTUBE_ENABLED 0 if set 1 loads the YouTube extension