This is a POC of API for managing the future "Base adresses nationale".
Install system dependencies with homebrew (or by hand)
brew install postgres postgis
Install system dependencies (you may need to use python3.4 or postgresql-9.4, depending on your distribution):
sudo apt-get build-dep python-psycopg2
sudo apt-get install python3.5 python3.5-dev python-virtualenv postgresql-9.5 postgis build-essential libffi-dev git
Create a virtualenv (but you'd better use virtualenvwrapper or pew):
virtualenv banenv --python=`which python3.5`
source banenv/bin/activate
Install developpement tools
pip install ipython ipdb
Create a psql user & database
sudo -u postgres createuser youruser
sudo -u postgres createdb ban -O youruser
Add postgis and hstore extensions
sudo -u postgres psql -d ban -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'
Install system dependencies
- download and install python 3.4 from
- download and install git from
- download and install postgresql from
- download and install postgreGIS from
-Configure your environment variables: setx path "%PATH%;C:\New Folder" (user variable) or set path "%PATH%;C:\New Folder" (system variable)
Create a virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv banenv
Install developpement tools
pip install ipython pyreadline ipdb
Create a psql database
createdb -U youruser ban
Add postgis and hstore extensions
psql ban youruser
Clone repository
git clone
cd api-gestion/
Install ban locally:
python develop
Create tables
ban db:create
Create at least use staff user
ban auth:createuser --is-staff -v
Import data (ask for the files):
ban import:init path/to/files/* -v
Create a dummy token for development:
ban auth:dummytoken blablablabla
You will need to use it for any request to the API, passing the header Authorization: Bearer blablablabla
Replace blablablabla
both on the command line and header value by any other value you can remember easily.
http http://localhost:5959/ Authorization:'Bearer blablablabla'
This is just for development, never user this command in production servers.
For development:
ban server:run
For production, you need to use either gunicorn or uwsgi.
Load the API OpenAPI schema to get the available endpoints:
http http://localhost:5959/openapi
Or just try requesting Municipalities:
http http://localhost:5959/municipality Authorization:'Bearer blablablabla'