Because it's two commands and a little waiting time to set up the entire wagon environment for LocomotiveCMS development.
As a bonus, no more issues with development on Windows and different Ruby Versions.
You should have these programs installed:
Download/clone this repository.
Now move the files into the correct location:
- For an existing LocomotiveCMS site, put the
into your site's root folder (i.e. where the Gemfile is). - If you don't have a LocomotiveCMS project yet, create a folder and copy the
into this new folder.
- For an existing LocomotiveCMS site, put the
Change into the directory where you put the Vagrantfile and run:
vagrant up (will take 5 to 20 mins) vagrant ssh cd /vagrant
Get your site up and runing:
- If you're running this VM in an existing LocomotiveCMS site, you can run
bundle install
andbundle exec wagon serve
to preview your site from your browser as usual. - To create a new site, run
wagon init <project-slug>
- If you're running this VM in an existing LocomotiveCMS site, you can run
- Edit your site on your host computer
- Use the VM for all the wagon functionality, e.g. generators, serving/pushing/pulling sites etc.
The standard Vagrant and SSH Commands apply:
- Starting the VM:
vagrant up
- Leaving the VM after SSHing into it:
- Shutting down the VM:
vagrant halt
- Restarting the VM:
vagrant reload
- Destroying the VM:
vagrant destroy
- If you have trouble SSHing into your box (on Windows, with
vagrant ssh
) then add the path to a ssh.exe (e.g. included with Git or clients like SourceTree) to your host system's path variable. That did the trick for me. - Most outputs of the provisioning processed are suppressed. If something does not install properly, open the
file and remove>/dev/null 2>&1
from any command you suspect to go awry.
- Development Tools
- RVM with Ruby 2.2.3
- Bundler
- Rake
- Imagemagick
- LocomotiveCMS Wagon v2+
Provided as-is. Use at your own risk. Tested so far only on Windows 10.
I'm happy to receive feedback for improvement of this VM.