This repository stores the code for a Twitter bot written in Golang.
This is my very first Go project. I intend to use it to learn about HTTP server and how to work with JSON in Go.
What this bot does is the following:
Makes a GET request for a subreddit
Gets 15 posts
Checks which posts have 1000 upvotes or more
It has 3 functions:
getPosts(), twitterWebhook() and greaterThan()
getPosts makes a GET request to the subreddit, gets the first 15 posts and then it tests if the upvotes are greater than 1000 and less than 100.000. After that, it uses a random function to randomly pick a post.
greaterThan is a function to check if the upvotes are greater than 1000 and less than 100.000. I did that because I consider posts with 1000 upvotes and above as "highlights", and the 100.000 value is due to a fixed post that I won't consider.
twitterWebhook if responsible for sending the request to the twitter API endpoint. It also contains the API keys and everything else needed to make the request.
You must install Go, I developed this bot using the 1.14 version.
After installing Go, just go to the cmd directory and run the bot with go run bot.go.
You will need Twitter API Keys to post the content on Twitter.
A Reddit User-Agent is also needed to make the requests to subreddits.