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dawg is a program that build supervised learning models. Currently, dawg supports building decision tree ensembles using Friedman's Stochastic Gradient Boosted Trees algorithm, dawg consists of a single executable, which is used to preprocess training data, learn, evaluate models, and generate source code to evaluate models. dawg offers several subcommands, each with its own command-line options and documentation, (available with the --help flag).

csv to dog translation

The dawg csv subcommand is used to preprocess a csv file containing a header of feature names, and data samples, one per line.


dawg csv -i file.csv -o

As we will see later, dawg learns over this dog file, not the original csv file. The dog file contains a compressed binary representation of the original csv data. dawg supports both categorical and ordinal features.

The contents of the dog file can be inspected with the dawg dog-meta and dawg dog-inspect subcommands. The dog-meta-short provides a listing of all the features contained in a dog file, along with their feature id, name, type (ord for ordinal and cat for categorical), and cardinality.

dawg dog-meta-short file.doc

The dawg dog-meta subcommand provides a more comprehensive view of the feature metadata:

dawg dog-meta file.doc

We can limit the output of dawg dog-meta to a single feature with the -k and -v flags:

dawg dog-meta -k name -v salary

This displays all metadata record associated with the feature whose name is salary . Similarly,

dawg dog-meta -k id -v 11

displays the metadata record associated with the feature whose id is 11.

Finally, the dog-inspect subcommand enumerates the values of a single feature, along with the (zero-indexed) observation number:

learning models

dawg currently supports learning of decision tree ensemble models with the stochastic gradient-boosting tree algorithm. Two prediction targets are supported: continuous, with the square-loss objective, and binary, with the logistic-loss objective. The learning rate, tree depth, and several other parameters are controlled on the command-line.


dawg learn -i -o file.mod -r 0.01 -d 3 -l logistic -y gender

This learns a binary classifier over training set for binary target gender, with a learning rate of 0.01 and a maximum tree depth of 3. Once dawg has converged, it creates the output model file file.mod .

evaluating models

With a model in hand, we can apply it to data, whether seen during training or not. The eval subcommand applies the model to a csv file containing the data for the features included in the model.


dawg eval -i test.csv -m file.mod -p predictions.txt --importance report.txt

In this example, the file predictions.txt contains the output of the model, one value per line, corresponding to each sample in file test.csv . For binary classifier, these values represent probabilities. The output file report.txt contains various importance metrics for each of the features included in the model, in descending order of importance.

For binary classifier, the bi-metrics subcommand is available to compute various model quality metrics, including accuracy, AUC, the confusion matrix, and and deviance (logistic loss). bi-metrics expects as input a file consisting of the label (either 0 or 1) and the prediction, one such pair separated by whitespace per line.


paste label.txt prediction.txt | dawg bi-metrics

Here, we imagine that we have the 0 or 1 labels in a file labels.txt, and that we use the Unix paste command to merge that file and the prediction file prediction.txt created by the eval subcommand.

generating code to evaluate models

dawg can generate code (currently, only in Python) to evaluate a model. This is useful in embedding the model in some larger codebase, and do so with minimal dependencies on external libraries.


dawg gen -i file.mod -o

This creates a Python module model in file, with a single function eval_by_name . That function takes as its only argument a dictionary of feature name and feature value pairs. The values can be numbers (either float's or int's, corresponding to ordinal features) or strings (corresponding to categorical features).