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Due to the discontinuation of maintenance on env.js, this project is no longer a viable solution to running your javascript tests on the JVM in sbt. In its place, sbt-js-test has been created. It leverages HtmlUnit in order to support an up-to-date browser API on the JVM.

Migration Guide

Configuration of sbt-js-test is much simpler. Just include all javascript resources in jsResources except for the jasmineTestDir. Use your existing entry for jasmineConfFile to help you correctly order your javascript assets in jsResources. Put jasmineTestDir in jsTestResources and you will be able to utilized jsTestOnly to cherry pick test files.

An SBT plugin for running jasmine tests in your build.


Add this plugin like any other to your project/plugin.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.joescii" % "sbt-jasmine-plugin" % "1.4.2")

You will also need to import the plugin's settings in the usual way in your build.sbt file:

seq(jasmineSettings : _*)

If your build is defined in a .scala file, then you will also need to import the plugin's namespace:

lazy val main = Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies)
  .settings(seq(jasmineSettings : _*))

Override jasmine version

You can optionally provide a webjar dependency to select your preferred jasmine version. In your project/plugin.sbt file:

// you can either use bower webjar...
libraryDependencies += "org.webjars.bower" % "jasmine" % "2.3.4"
// or classic webjar
libraryDependencies += "org.webjars" % "jasmine" % "2.2.0"

If both bower and classic webjars dependencies are in the classpath, the classic webjar will be used instead of bower webjar.


Override the following settings in your build:

  • appJsDir - the root directory where your application javascript lives
  • appJsLibDir - the root directory where you put javascript library files thast your application uses (e.g jquery)
  • jasmineTestDir - the directory that contains your jasmine tests, jasmine will look for /specs and /mocks sub directories (note that the plugin only picks up test files named *.spec.js!!!)
  • jasmineConfFile - the test.dependencies.js configuration file that loads the required application js and lib js files into the test context.
  • jasmineRequireJsFile - the file that is your require.js library file
  • jasmineRequireConfFile - the require.conf.js configuration file for require.js
  • jasmineEdition - the edition of Jasmine to use, i.e. the major version number 1 or 2. Only needed in the case you want to use Jasmine 1 without providing a webjar.

For a project laid out as follows:

|-- main
|   `-- webapp
|       `-- static
|           `-- js
|               `-- samples
|                   |-- <app js files here>
|                   `-- lib
|                       `-- <js library files here>
`-- test
    `-- webapp
        `-- static
            `-- js
                |-- mocks
                |   `-- <jasmine mock js files here>
                |-- specs
                |   |-- <jasmine spec js files here>
                `-- test.dependencies.js

The project configuration would be:

appJsDir <+= sourceDirectory { src => src / "main" / "webapp" / "static" / "js" / "samples"}

appJsLibDir <+= sourceDirectory { src => src / "main" / "webapp" / "static" / "js" / "samples" / "lib" }

jasmineTestDir <+= sourceDirectory { src => src / "test" / "webapp" / "static" / "js" }

jasmineConfFile <+= sourceDirectory { src => src / "test" / "webapp" / "static" / "js" / "test.dependencies.js" }

You can now run the jasmine task to run the tests.

See sbt-jasmine-example for a full working example project.

Paths exposed to your tests

The following path variables are available to your javascript (in test.dependencies.js and the tests):

  • EnvJasmine.testDir = the jasmineTestDir (note no trailing slash on this path)
  • EnvJasmine.mocksDir = EnvJasmine.testDir / mocks
  • EnvJasmine.specsDir = EnvJasmine.testDir / specs
  • EnvJasmine.rootDir = the appJsDir
  • EnvJasmine.libDir = the appJsLibRoot

N.B. all path variables have a trailing slash so you don't need to add them yourself when building paths. Thus to load the query library as in your test.dependencies.js file you would add the following line:

EnvJasmine.loadGlobal(EnvJasmine.libDir + "jquery-1.4.4.js");

Running as part of test

To automatically run the jasmine plugin as part of your project's test phase you can add the following to you build.sbt:

(test in Test) <<= (test in Test) dependsOn (jasmine)

Generating an html runner page

If you need to run your jasmine tests in a browser (for example if, heaven forbid, you have failing tests and want to debug them) you can run the jasmineGenRunner task, this will output a runner html file that you can load in a browser to run your jasmine tests. A link to the output runner file is output in the sbt console.


Contributions are always welcomed via pull-requests. Below is the recommended procedure for git:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

The following will be greatly appreciated as part of your Pull Request:

  1. Updates to this documentation, including updates to the Change Log below.
  2. If applicable, update the sample project with your feature enhancement.

Change log


  • Updated Rhino to
  • Updated the console log to print current Rhino version rather than an incorrect hard coded value


  • Update to support either classic webjars or bower webjars.
  • Fixed the html runner to also use the webjars.


  • Update Rhino to 1.7.7
  • Can optionally provide jasmine via webjars for fine-grained control over jasmine version.


  • Updated to utilize Jasmine 2.0.3.
  • Can optionally specify the Jasmine edition (1 or 2) via sbt setting jasmineEdition.
  • Jasmine edition 1 has been updated from 1.1.0 to 1.3.1.


  • Fixed bug introduced in 1.2.2 where jasmine-gen-runner would not create all needed files.


  • Better error message with stack trace.
  • Fixed bug introduced in 1.2.1 where it would continue running tests after failure.


  • Errors while parsing JavaScript will now result in a failed test run. (Thanks Mikael Berglund)


  • Ownership assumed by joescii.
  • Merged #11: Removed dependency on jQuery
  • Resolved #15: Bumped Rhino version to 1.7R4
  • Resolved #17: Fixed bug in env.js which caused angular 1.2.1 and up to not load
  • Published binaries as a community sbt plugin

0 - 1.1


An SBT plugin for running jasmine tests in your build.







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  • JavaScript 98.8%
  • Other 1.2%