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PhpStorm Live Templates for Twig

A more extensive library of PhpStorm Live Templates for Twig.


The Twig - Extended Live Templates add tab-trigger support for common Twig Tags; enable support for wrapping selections with multiple Twig tags; and add various other utility snippets that help close tags, debug, and use your preferred tag syntax.


  1. Go to PhpStorm Preferences | Tools | Settings Repository

  2. Add Read-only Source

  3. Restart PhpStorm

Wrap Selection in Tags

PhpStorm's Code->Surround With... and Code->Surround With Live Template... options allow you to select text that is already in your template and wrap it within tags dynamically. The Twig-Extended Live Templates enable the following tags to be wrapped around selections:

option+command+j  {{ ... }}
option+command+j  {% ... %}
option+command+j  {# ... #}
option+command+j  {% block name %} ... {% endblock %}
option+command+j  {{ dump(...) }}
option+command+j  <pre>{{ dump(...) }}</pre>

Wrap Action Tag (via tab trigger)

The b tab trigger provides a flexible way to create a generic Twig action tag. By default, b tab trigger expands to a block tag, however you can immediately overwrite the block keyword with any keyword of your choice.

b                 {% block name %} ... {% endblock %}

Twig Tags (via tab trigger)

The following keywords expand to their respective code constructs when used as tab-triggers.

at                {{  }}
ot                {%  %}
ct                {#  #}

do                {% do ... %}
extends           {% extends 'template' %}
from              {% from 'template' import 'macro' %}
import            {% import 'template' as name %}
importself        {% import _self as name %}
inc, include      {% include 'template' %}
incp              {% include 'template' with params %}
incpo             {% include 'template' with params only %}
inckv             {% include 'template' with { key: value } %}
inckvo            {% include 'template' with { key: value } only %}
use               {% use 'template' %}

autoescape        {% autoescape 'type' %}...{% endautoescape %}
block, blockb     {% block name %} ... {% endblock %}
blockf            {{ block('...') }}
embed             {% embed "template" %}...{% endembed %}
filter, filterb   {% filter name %} ... {% endfilter %}
macro             {% macro name(params) %}...{% endmacro %}
set, setb         {% set var = value %}
spaceless         {% spaceless %}...{% endspaceless %}
verbatim          {% verbatim %}...{% endverbatim %}

if, ifb           {% if condition %} ... {% endif %}
ife               {% if condition %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %}
for               {% for item in seq %} ... {% endfor %}
fore              {% for item in seq %} ... {% else %} ... {% endfor %}

else              {% else %}
endif             {% endif %}
endfor            {% endfor %}
endset            {% endset %}
endblock          {% endblock %}
endfilter         {% endfilter %}
endautoescape     {% endautoescape %}
endembed          {% endembed %}
endfilter         {% endfilter %}
endmacro          {% endmacro %}
endspaceless      {% endspaceless %}
endverbatim       {% endverbatim %}

While there are not really enough keywords to make some of these conventions very meaningful, if curious: Keywords that end in the letter b output a block version of the tag. Keywords that end in the letter p output a version of the tag with parameters.


d                 <pre>{{ dump() }}</pre>
dump              {{ dump() }}

Live Template group configuration files

  • Twig - Extended.xml

Visit Preferences->Editor->Live Templates and ensure that the Twig - Extended Live Templates are enabled.

Maintenance & Contributions

If you'd like to contribute to the Twig - Extended Live Templates, please consider submitting a pull request, reporting an issue, providing examples of how you would like to see the behavior of the Live Templates improved, or just sending your thoughts.



A more extensive library of PhpStorm Live Templates for Twig







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