- The repo contains the ETL script that helps tp load the data to neo4j graph database for
Offshore Leaks is graph data, which is constituted of nodes of various types and links (edges) between the nodes.
from https://offshoreleaks-data.icij.org/offshoreleaks/csv/csv_paradise_papers.2018-02-14.zip
Steps to execute:
Please download neo4j from the following link https://neo4j.com/download-thanks/?edition=community&release=3.5.5
- tar -xf neo4j-community-3.5.5-unix.tar.gz
- SET env variable NEO4J_HOME
- cd $NEO4J_HOME
- Clone this repo to your local machine
- Copy the script from this repo's
to <NEO4J_HOME> - Start neo4j
./bin/neo4j start
- Then run the script
The Paradise paper data should get loaded in the graph db and ready to serve.
Steps to execute:
Please install node/npm (prerequesite)
- cd
npm install
npm start
- Access the API console in