This module will make you able to use the technology of Bayonet in your Magento 2 store to prevent online fraud. In this way, your store will obtain a win/win performance for you and your customers; which means that you will know when a suspicious order by a suspicious customer is trying to be processed to then decline it automatically, that will lead to lower your fraud rate and reduce chargebacks; all this while your store gains a reputation of being a secure place to buy.
Read this in other languages: Español.
The module has been tested in the following Magento 2 versions:
- 2.1.x
- 2.2.x
- 2.3.x
- 2.4.x
The module currently supports the following payment gateways:
- Conekta (credit cards)
- Openpay (credit cards)
- Stripe (credit cards)
- Braintree (credit cards)
- Mercado Pago
- PayPal
You can follow Magento's instruction provided at
How to get Composer: Please follow instructions on
How to update your Composer version: Please follow instructions on
You should go to your Magento 2 root directory, and once you are there, run the following commands:
composer require bayonet/bayonet-magento # (*)
php bin/magento module:enable Bayonet_BayonetAntiFraud --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy # (**)
php bin/magento cache:clean
(*) After executing this command, Magento might ask you for your authentication keys ( Where:
- username = Public Key
- password = Private Key
(**) If you are not running on production mode, use the --force option. Otherwise the command will fail.
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy --force # --force # if you are not running on production mode