A web-based Time Management application is a digital tool designed to assist users in managing their time more efficiently and effectively. This app provides various features that users can use to plan, track and organize their schedules easily and efficiently. The app's main feature is schedule logging and activity planning, which allows users to make notes about their activities and plan their schedule on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
F001 User can add activity
F002 User can update activity
F003 User can delete activity
F004 User can complete activity
F005 The system is capable of displaying activity data in list format
F006 The system is capable of displaying user activity data in calendar format
F007 The system is capable of displaying user activity data on a daily, weekly and monthly basis
F008 Users can receive notifications from the system
F009 The system is capable of providing activity search features to users
F010 User can create an account
F011 User can log into the system
F012 User can change the password
F013 The system is capable of displaying user activity history
F014 Users can delete activity history
Project Manager:
122277 Noper Ardi, S.Pd., M.eng
4342301013 Bayu Maulana
4342301011 Muhammad Al Ghazali
4342301012 Ibnu Hanif Salsabila
4342301016 Ajeng Wulan Barokah
4342301017 Dwi Nurul Azizah
4342301018 Miftahul Fazra
- Clone this repository
- run the tma.sql file
- start your webserver and DBMS
- installation complete