A .Net Client/SDK based on the Tripletex swagger specification: https://tripletex.no/v2/swagger.json
Available as NuGet package https://www.nuget.org/packages/BccCode.Tripletex.Client
BccCode.Tripletex.Client - SDK
- TripletexClientGenerated.cs -- client generated using NSwag.net
- TripletexClient.cs -- custom extentions to generated client, to better facilitate authentication, token caching etc.
BccCode.Tripletex.Tests - SDK tests
In order to re-generate the client code (based on a new swagger specification):
- open the project in Visual Studio 2022
- Select "Generate" as the build configuration (instead of Release or Debug)
- Build the project
The project file includes a number of "PreBuildEvents" which are run when the project is built in with "Generate" configuration selected.
These prebuild tasks perform the following operations:
- Generate code using Nswag.net using the configuration in
- Removes invalid characters such as '>' and ':' which are included in the path names of some of the Tripltex API endpoints
- Transforms the name and positioning of "verbs" used as part of the method names.
- Removes "required" JSON validation which doesn't work since Tripletex doesn't always return the entire model.
To use the SDK in a .Net application, add the BccCode.Tripletex.Client
nuget package.
The ITripletexClient
service can be added to the applications services during startup (startup.cs or program.cs) using the following code (.net 6):
\\ ...
builder.Services.AddTripletexClient(new TripletexClientOptions
EmployeeToken = "<your employee token>",
ConsumerToken = "<your consumer token>"
Alternatively, the configuration can be read automatically from a "Tripletex" section in your configuration:
\\ ...
builder.Services.AddTripletexClient(); //Read from "Tripletex" configuration section:
"Tripletex": {
"EmployeeToken": "<USE USER SECRETS>",
"ConsumerToken": "<USE USER SECRETS>"
Environment Variables
TRIPLETEX__EMPLOYEETOKEN=<your employee token>
TRIPLETEX__CONSUMERTOKEN=<your employee token>