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NOTE: This tool is going through rapid development and could change often. Check back for updates.

gwa is a tool for composing, validating and generating Kong Gateway configuration files from OpenAPI (aka Swagger) specs and managing Kong Plugins.


Currently documentation is limited to the APS and via the installed executable's help commands. A hosted website option is in the works and will be available soon.

To run help on any command while using the CLI:

$ gwa-cli login --help
You can login via device login or by using client credentials

To use device login, simply run the command like so:
    $ gwa login

To use your credentials you must supply both a client-id and client-secret:
    $ gwa login --client-id <YOUR_CLIENT_ID> --client-secret <YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>

To generate a Markdown-formatted string of every command's documentation to stdout, run $ just docs. You could then pipe it to a file like so $ just docs >, though this will be just a temporary solution.




  • [Cobra] Command line argument parser
  • Viper Configuration file manager, integrates tightly with Cobra
  • Lipgloss Styles and colours

Steps to set up dev environment

  1. Verify you have Go 1.20+ installed

    $ go version

    If you don't have go installed on your machine, follow instructions on the Go website.

  2. Clone this repository

    $ git clone
    $ cd gwa-cli
    $ mv env.example .env

    Note Some local environments require Go projects are run from the $HOME/go/src directory. If any module not found errors are reported, try moving it.

    Also be sure to fill in the environment variables before running a command.

  3. Run commands

    Test any commmands by running just run in the cwd. You can also use $ just test to run all tests.

    $ just run namespace current
    $ just test
    ?	[no test files]
  4. Set up your IDE

    Go has great tooling which is required to ensure code contributed is formatted consitently and is type-safe.

Nix develop (optional)

Instead of installing Go on your system you can alternatively use Nix to manage Go and other dependencies for you. This option assumes you already running NixOS or have Nix installed.

Simply run $ nix develop in the project root. This will pull all the dependencies needed to work on this project. Remember to run exit to leave the Nix shell when done.


Details on how the deployment process work are coming soon as we migrate codebase languages.

Make sure you have GoReleaser installed to test locally.


A dry-run of the build process can be executed by running $ just release. This will compile your source code into a /dist folder where you can run any platform's executable.


Currently gwa is only installable by building from source. The releases page will be updated one it's ready.

To install locally you can follow the first 2 steps in Development above, then run

$ just install
$  gwa-cli
gwa version 2.0.0-beta


Shell completions for all the commands ships with each version. Completions allow you to tab while entering commands to cycle though a list of possible commands.

To install completions, run this after installing, using zsh for example:

$ gwa-cli completion zsh --help
$ gwa-cli completion zsh | pbcopy

Then follow the instructions from the help command and paste the output where it needs to live. Bash, Fish and Powershell are also supported.