What's Changed
- fix: unquoted csv writer by @DerekRoberts in #147
- chore(deps): bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 by @dependabot in #149
- chore(deps): bump bcgov/quickstart-openshift-helpers from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @dependabot in #148
- fix(deps): update dependency setuptools to v71 by @renovate in #155
- chore(ci): remove .github/dependabot.yml by @DerekRoberts in #168
- chore(deps): update github actions all dependencies by @renovate in #159
- chore(deps): update bcgov-nr/action-deployer-openshift action to v3 by @renovate in #160
- chore(ci): deployment config deprecation by @DerekRoberts in #170
- fix(deps): update dependency django to v5.0.8 [security] by @renovate in #158
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in #162
- fix(deps): update dependency setuptools to v74 by @renovate in #169
- fix: Revert "chore(ci): deployment config deprecation" by @DerekRoberts in #171
- fix(deps): update dependency gunicorn to v23 by @renovate in #161
- fix(ci): improve PR results checks by @DerekRoberts in #172
- chore(deps): update bcgov/quickstart-openshift-helpers action to v0.7.0 by @renovate in #173
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2