This is a very lightweight (21kb for now) ORM for Android. Use this when you want to keep your app size down and just want to store peristant data without all the features of a full ORM.
You will need a class that extends BcSQLiteOpenHelper
public class DatabaseHelper extends BcSQLiteOpenHelper {
public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, "Test.db", null, 1);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
TableUtil.createTable(db, Person.class); // Creates the table
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
The Person class looks like this
public class Person {
@PersistantField(columnName = "person_name") // optional
public String name;
@PersistantField(id = true) // could also be generatedId
public int age;
Creating a Dao would go like this:
BcDao<Person, Integer> bcDao = new BcDao<Person, Integer>(Person.class);
Then you could query the table with
List<Person> people = bcDao.queryBuilder().lt("age", "" + 20).orderBy("age", false).limit(5).execute();
It also has the basic methods of: insert insertMany update updateMany delete deleteMany