Everyone needs a starting point. Here is a very simple one for FastAPI.
First, open up a terminal and clone the repository.
git git@github.com:bcolb/fastapi-template.git
Next, navigate into the freshly cloned repo.
cd fastapi-template
Run the following commands to create a local virtual environment, source it, and install the requirements.
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now, start the app using uvicorn.
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
The uvicorn server will start up and you'll see log info starting to print to stdout in the terminal, akin to this.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Next check to see that you can access the site locally by navigating in a browser to
You should see the following message:
Likewise, the following url will serve up docs related to the defined API.
Alternatively, use curl to get the web page.
curl http://localhost:8000/
With the addition of the the .vscode/launch.json file you can run the app using Run & Debug in VS Code.
This repo has been setup to use docker-compose to manage the docker container. With the following command docker-compose will build the image, create and start the container.
docker compose up -d
Using the -d flag will run docker in daemon mode meaning you retain access to your terminal window. To stop the docker container(s) and application run:
docker compose down
Confirm that your FastAPI API endpoint is available by using curl or navigating to the following URL in your browser http://localhost:8008/
Pytest tests are located in the 'tests' directory. To run them, make sure the virtual environment is sourced and then enter: