tinyvanityeth for Ledger hardware wallets!
Derive Ethereum addresses with Ledger hardware wallets using custom paths and address matching to find vanity addresses.
ledgerderiv connects directly to the hardware wallet via the USB HID interface communicating with the Ethereum application on the Ledger using APDU messages.
ledgerderiv provides a Lua scripting environment to configure address derivation rules (see scripts
for examples).
As of now ledgerderiv must be compiled from sources. It has been tested on macOS and Windows.
- A C17 compiler (e.g. Clang or MSVC)
- CMake 3.26+
- vcpkg (make sure to set
to the correct path)
- Generate the project files:
cmake --preset macos-aarch64-release -B cmake-build-macos-aarch64-release
- Build ledgerderiv:
cmake --build cmake-build-macos-aarch64-release --config Release
- Generate the project files:
cmake --preset windows-x64-release -B cmake-build-windows-x64-release
- Build ledgerderiv:
cmake --build cmake-build-windows-x64-release --config Release
To build on different platforms or configurations please see CMakePresets.json
Usage: ledgerderiv <OPTIONS>
Options: -s <script> Lua script with the following functions defined:
NextPath() Returns the next HD derivation path
OnAddress(path, checksum_address) Called after an address is derived
OnExit() Called when the program exits
-h Prints usage
Example: ledgerderiv -s scripts/find-vanity-address.lua