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A dynamic module management system

This software is highly experimental. Do not use it in production code!

Supported Compilers

  • GCC 8.0
  • LLVM 6.0

Direct dependencies

  • boost.type_index
  • boost.lexical_cast
  • boost.range
  • boost.hana
  • boost.spirit (develop branch of X3)
  • boost.fusion (as long as Sprit X3 does not support boost.hana)

Indirect dependencies

  • boost.array
  • boost.assert
  • boost.concept_check
  • boost.config
  • boost.container
  • boost.core
  • boost.detail
  • boost.exception
  • boost.function_types
  • boost.functional
  • boost.integer
  • boost.iterator
  • boost.math
  • boost.move
  • boost.mpl
  • boost.numeric_conversion
  • boost.optional
  • boost.predef
  • boost.preprocessor
  • boost.regex
  • boost.smart_ptr
  • boost.static_assert
  • boost.throw_exception
  • boost.type_traits
  • boost.typeof
  • boost.utility
  • boost.variant


In a software process often different calculation steps are executed in sequence. Such a calculation step is called module. A module has a number of fixed parameters as well as inputs and outputs.

A sequence of modules is called process chain. Each process chain also gets a unique identifier.

The disposer manages the process chains and their modules. This is done through a configuration file that is read at runtime.

Config-File (this section is outdated)

The configuration file has a special file format, which is explained below. There is no standardized file extension, but is is recommended to use '*.ini' to get syntax highlighting in text editors. It is also recommended to use a text editor which can show whitespaces, because tabulators are important for the file format.

We start with an example file:

; this section is optional
	; if it exists, it must exist at least one parameter set
	; 'io' is a freely choseable name of our first parameter set
		; it must exist at least one parameter
		; 'start' and 'end' are parameter names from an disposer module
		;     the kind of values also depends on this module
		start = 4
		end = 10

	; another parameter set …
		; this time the value is path
		dir = /media/data/projekte/disposer_module/data/target

; the first core section: we are loading modules and setting its parameters
	; 'create' is a name you can freely chose
	; 'maker' is the disposer module name
	create = maker
		; we use all parameters from our parameter set 'io'
		parameter_set = io

	; a second module
	save_tar = png_saver
		; again we use a parameter set
		parameter_set = save
		; additionaly we define the parameter 'tar'
		tar = true

	; a third module
	create_2 = maker
		; we can use multiple parameter sets
		; all parameter sets must apear before the first explicit parameter
		; if a parameter is defined in multiple parameter sets, the
		;     definition from the last set is used
		parameter_set = io
		parameter_set = save
		; an explicit parameter definition overwrites the parameter set
		start = 2

	filter = gauss
		kernel = 3
		sigma = 0.7

; the second core section: we build process chains with our modules
	; 'build_1' is a freely choseable name of our first process chain
	; the group name is implicitly 'default'
		; use the module 'create' from the module section
			; set outputs
				; 'sequence' is an output from disposer module 'maker'
				; 'data' is a freely choseable variable name
				sequence = data

		; use module 'save_tar'
			; set inputs
				; 'sequence' is an input from disposer module 'png_saver'
				; 'data' is the variable name we defined before
				sequence = data

	; another process chain
	; the group name is explicitly 'special'
	build_2 = special
		; explicitly defined id_generator 'abc'
		id_generator = abc

				sequence = data1

			; first inputs
				sequence = data1
			; second outputs
				sequence = data2

				sequence = data2

License notice

This software was originally developed privately by Benjamin Buch. All changes are released under the Boost Software License - Version 1.0 and published on GitHub.


A dynamic module management system







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