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beeLīn Java / JVM

This is the start of a DNSChain client for the JVM.

Download and Install Prerequisites

Mac OS X Windows Linux


None - Java 8 is bundled inside the App. (Recent Mac OS X?)

Java 8 w/StartCom certificate installed

Java 8 w/StartCom certificate installed

Binary download


N/A - build from source is relatively easy, see below.

N/A - build from source is relatively easy, see below.

beeLin-java is using HTTPS to query the DNSChain server at which uses a StartCom SSL certificate. By default, Java installations do not trust the StartCom certificate authority and your HTTPS connection to may fail. For more detail and instructions on how to install the StartCom certificate in your JDK/JRE see Installing StartCom Certificate Authority Certificates in Java.

Build and run tests

./gradlew build

You can view the test results in beelinj-lib/build/reports/tests/index.html

Of course you probably want to install IntelliJ IDEA to do this.

Build and run the bare-bones browser

./gradlew :beelinj-browser-fx:run

Build a self-contained JAR containing the browser

./gradlew :beelinj-browser-fx:shadowJar

To run the browser jar:

java -jar beelinj-browser-fx/build/libs/beeLin.jar