Produces graphical representation of HDL component. At the moment it is possible to generate SVGs out of VHDL components. A JSON configuration file represents how the output image is produced
Let's say we have the following component declaration in VHDL:
entity ExampleComp is
io_a : in signed(3 downto 0);
io_b : in signed(3 downto 0);
io_c : inout signed(3 downto 0);
io_d : out signed(31 downto 0);
io_f : out std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic
end ExampleComp;
Here there are some examples of the produced images using hdltoimg:
Serif Bold font, Top Left component name, arrow style None:
Arial Bold font, Top Center component name, arrow style Full:
FreeMono Bold font, Top Right component name, arrow style Empty, standard formatting for ranged signals:
FreeSans Bold font, Bottom Left component name, arrow style Reentrant, standard formatting for ranged signals:
Serif Italic font, Bottom Right component name, arrow style Minimal, standard formatting for ranged signals:
Here it is the JSON configuration file for the last example
"figPadX": 4.0,
"figPadY": 4.0,
"compPadX": 1.0,
"compPadY": 2.0,
"compFont": {"font": "Times New Roman", "weight": "ITALIC", "size":11},
"compAlignment": ["Bottom", "Right"],
"boxTickness": 0.25,
"boxFillColor": [1.0, 0.5, 0.94],
"boxWidthPolicy": {"type": "BoxSigNamePad", "pad": 20.0},
"boxBorderPad": 2.0,
"sigPadX": 1.0,
"sigPadY": 1.0,
"sigFont": {"font": "Times New Roman", "weight": "ITALIC", "size":10},
"descPadX": 1.0,
"groupPadY": 10.0,
"groupPolicy": {"type": "SimplePolicy"},
"arrowLength": 30.0,
"arrowPadX": 0.0,
"arrowThickness": 1.0,
"arrowTipSize": 3.0,
"arrowStyle": "StyleMinimal",
"outputType": "SVGTypeOutput",
"removeDefaultInputArg": true,
"standardFormatting" : false
If HDLtoIMG is not installed system wide you can use it through sbt:
sbt "runMain com.github.hdltoimg.vhdl.VhdlToImg -i source.vhd -c conf.json"
otherwise you can simply type
vhdl-to-img -i source.vhd -c conf.json
Note that the the -c switch is optional. In this case a default configuration will be applied.
maps to the following JSON properties:
The resulting component box size is determined by the boxWidthPolicy field
The width of the box is constant
"boxWidthPolicy": {"type": "BoxConstantWidth", "width": 20.0}
The width of the box is the sum of a pad value plus the size of the signal names
"boxWidthPolicy": {"type": "BoxSigNamePad", "pad": 20.0}
The width of the box is equal to the height multiplied by a ratio
"boxWidthPolicy": {"type": "BoxConstantRatio", "pad": 1.0}
.. for a square box
For components with a lot of ports sometimes the resulting image looks a bit difficult to read:
The above example shows the interface of a CPU. It would be better to group together the signals that belong to the same bus. This is possible using the RegexGroupsPolicy. With this policy the signals are grouped using a regex (groupRegex) that matches the group name. For example:
"groupPolicy": {"type": "RegexGroupsPolicy", "groupRegex": "^([^_]*).*"}
There are four options:
The default behaviour in the image creation process is to keep the whole signal type name as it is:
(example for as signed VHDL signal)
signed(3 downto 0)
If the standardNotation configuration property is set, the above type is transformed to:
- Java JRE
- Java JDK
- zip
- dpkg-deb
- dpkg-sig
- dpkg-genchanges
- lintian
- fakeroot
- rpm
- rpm-build
The packaging process is based on sbt-native-packager. More options for package generation are available at that site.
sbt universal:packageBin
Generates a .zip in target/
sbt debian:packageBin
Generates a .deb in target/
sbt rpm:packageBin
Generates a .rpm in target/
Before launching the compilation command two values have to be adjusted in build.sbt to your Wix Toolset installation: wixProductId, wixProductUpgradeId
sbt windows:packageBin
Generates a .msi in target/
- Cross arrows when the signal is ranged
- SpinalHDL support
- Other languages support (Verilog/Chisel)
- Test the package build process on other platforms other than Linux
All the HDL examples were produced using SpinalHDL and VexRiscv