This is a test project to make a REPL using VPI interface.
- GHDL or Icarus Verilog
- boost-interprocess. This is necessary to make a high-performance context-switch.
- a modern C++11 compliant compiler (either gcc or clang).
Note that only linux is supported
A vhdl/verilog source has to be provided as well as the top component module. adder.vhd is provided as an example for GHDL:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity adder is
nibble1, nibble2 : in unsigned(3 downto 0);
sum : out unsigned(3 downto 0);
carry_out : out std_logic
end entity adder;
architecture behavioral of adder is
signal temp : unsigned(4 downto 0);
temp <= ("0" & nibble1) + nibble2;
sum <= temp(3 downto 0);
carry_out <= temp(4);
end architecture behavioral;
To start the REPL, type either:
make ghdl-mcode COMPONENT_SOURCE=adder.vhd COMPONENT_NAME=adder
make ghdl-gcc COMPONENT_SOURCE=adder.vhd COMPONENT_NAME=adder
make ghdl-llvm COMPONENT_SOURCE=adder.vhd COMPONENT_NAME=adder
An equivalent verilog source is provided for Icarus Verilog. This can be run with:
make iverilog COMPONENT_SOURCE=adder.v COMPONENT_NAME=adder
Then the REPL is opened.
Example commands:
> setInt adder.nibble1 3
> setBigInt adder.nibble2 0110
> sleep 1
> getLong adder.sum
= 9
> setLong adder.nibble1 0
> sleep 2
> getInt adder.sum
= 6
> getBigInt adder.sum
= 00000110
All the commands can be listed with the help
> help
Available commands:
end : stop the simulation and exit
eval : evaluate the module
getBigInt : <signalName> get a big integer as binary
getInt : <signalName> get an int
getLong : <signalName> get a long
help : this command
printSignals : print signal names of the top module
setBigInt : <signalName> <binary> set a big integer
setInt : <signalName> <integer> set a integer
setLong : <signalName> <integer> set a long
sleep : <integer> sleep for a number of steps
An useful command to list all available signals is printSignals
> printSignals
Signals of adder :
After the simulation is stopped with the end
command a wavefile, test.vcd is generated.