- Azhar Moeez | 2066699
- Bellinato Tommaso | 2032597
- Lazzarini Matteo | 2066590
In this repo you'll find the files of the IF15 MagLev assignments for the A.Y. 2023-24:
- IF15___assignment___2024.pdf - contains the explanation of the physic behind the maglev and the control system info about it, plus the assignments
- 2066699_2032597_2066590.mlx - here you'll find our MATLAB solution regarding all the five assignments
- 2066699_2032597_2066590.pdf or 2066699_2032597_2066590-en.pdf - this is the report about our solutions and how we found them, link to the overleaf project
- solution_template.mlx - contains the template for the MATLAB solution
- load_parameters.m and magnet_levitation_ode.m are needed to make the solutions work