random value generator in Java
class Foo {
public final Integer i;
public final String s;
public Foo(int i, String s) {...}
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
import static aq.rvg.Operational.random;
Foo v = random(new TypeToken<Foo>() {});
class Foo {
public final Integer i;
public final String s;
public Foo(int i, String s) {...}
class WithTypeArgs<T> {
public final T t;
public WithTypeArgs(T t) { ... }
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
import static aq.rvg.Operational.random;
WithTypeArgs<Foo> v = random(new TypeToken<WithTypeArgs<Foo>>() {});
class Foo {
public final Integer i;
public final String s;
public Foo(int i, String s) {...}
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
import static aq.rvg.Operational.random;
import static aq.rvg.Config.builder;
Config config = Config.builder()
// tt: new TypeToken<String>() {}
// c: config - the same one used on the top-level call to random
// All strings generated using config will be "hello world"
(tt, c) -> "hello world")
Foo v = random(new TypeToken<Foo>() {}, config);
assertThat(v.s).isEqualTo("hello world");
Config c = Config.builder()
final class Either<Left, Right> {
// all constructors are private. The only way to instantiante Either is with ...
static <L, R> Either<L, R> left(L left) { ... }
static <L, R> Either<L, R> right(R right) { ... }
boolean isLeft() { ... }
Left getLeft() { ... }
boolean isRight() { ... }
Right getRight() { ... }
class WithTypeArgs<T> {
public final T t;
public WithTypeArgs(T t) { ... }
import static aq.rvg.Operational.randomBoolean;
Config config = Config.builder()
(tt, c) -> {
val typeArg0 = tt.resolveType(Either.class.getTypeParameters()[0]);
val typeArg1 = tt.resolveType(Either.class.getTypeParameters()[1]);
return randomBoolean()
? Either.left(random(typeArg0, c))
: Either.right(random(typeArg1, c));
val v = random(new TypeToken<WithTypeArgs<Either<Integer, String>>() {});
if (v.isLeft()) assertThat(v.getLeft()).isNotNull();
if (v.isRight()) assertThat(v.getRight()).isNotNull();