dotnet + GraphQl + EntityFramework, Easy!
dotgraphee is a generator to kick-start your dotnet graphQL webserver projects.
You do:
- Modify default configuration file to your liking.
- Specify your (initial) data model.
- Run generator.
You get:
- Dotnet web-service with Hot-Chocolate GraphQL endpoint, serving your data model using queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
- EntityFramework, wired up and configured to use a Postgres instance.
- Docker file + docker-compose file, ready to go.
- Integration-level automated tests for said docker container.
- All code generated with dotnet null-safety enabled.
dotnet tool install --global dotgraphee
File 'dotgraphee-config.json' will be created. Modify it to represent your own data model and preferred configuration. If you don't know what to put, assume the default is fine.
dotgraphee <config-file-here>
It might take a few minutes to pull all the required packages. Afterwards, see the '' file in the newly created project folder.
GenAndTest runs dotgraphee with its default configuration, then it executes the container tests. Running this script takes several minutes, but should result in an all-tests-passed message.
- 'dotnet build'
- 'dotnet pack'
- dotnet tool install --global --add-source ./nupkg dotgraphee
- dotgraphee
- dotnet tool uninstall --global dotgraphee
'dotnet nuget push ".\nupkg\dotgraphee.x.x.x.nupkg" -k -s'
Please see the