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Processing 4.0 beta 7

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@benfry benfry released this 04 Mar 01:04

Revision 1282 – 3 March 2022

The main thing for this release is to prevent an issue where files might be deleted (!) due to the change in beta 6.

…it also rolls back a change that broke Python Mode. Sorry, snake people!

…but also: a new feature! A very cool new feature! See below.

Regression Repair

  • Bring back getMainProgram() for Python Mode. #409

  • Fix an issue where opening a single .pde file in an unrelated folder (i.e. Downloads) would delete the entire folder when deleting the "sketch" without being 100% obvious what it was doing. #424

  • Andrés tracked down the problem with POINTS and PShape that was introduced in 4.0 beta 3. #345, #432

I'm just here for the ratio

Added a new windowRatio(width, height) function that remaps screen and mouse coordinates to the specified aspect ratio.

The general idea is that you set a ratio, and whether you're using fullScreen() or setResizable(true), the sketch will scale its coordinates (and the coordinates of the mouse to fit that same ratio.

For instance, use windowRatio(1280, 720) in your code, and then all your coordinates will be re-mapped to that range—but always keeping the aspect ratio. Probably easiest to see by running this sketch:

void setup() {
  windowRatio(1280, 720);

void draw() {
  rect(0, 0, rwidth, rheight);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text(rmouseX + ", " + rmouseY, rwidth/2, rheight/2);

When using windowRatio(), the new rwidth and rheight variables contain the width and height that were passed to windowRatio() and can be used in place of width and height elsewhere in your code.

Similarly, rmouseX and rmouseY contain the mouse position, scaled by the current ratio.

If your window is taller (or wider) than the specified ratio, your sketch will be moved (using translate() to fit the space, and rmouseX and rmouseY might even have negative values if they're outside the box. (Again, try running the code above.)

The exact amount of space that's extra can be found in the ratioLeft and ratioTop variables. And the current scale() being used for the ratio can be found in ratioScale.

Mind you, it might be tempting to use windowRatio(16, 9), but keep in mind that means your horizontal coordinates will be numbers between 0 and (almost) 16, and vertical will be between 0 and 9. Not a great way to work! (And at some point, likely to introduce quirks as you learn about the shortcomings of floating point number accuracy.)

Minor Mites

  • Half a dozen other fixes/changes for opening sketches and how it identifies the Mode and the rest. If you notice anything weird, let us know asap.

  • Rewrote our native code for going full screen on macOS, retiring jAppleMenuBar after a decade of service. Also gets things working on Apple Silicon.

  • Prevent “You must first install tweak Mode to use this sketch” when using sketches that date back to 2.0. #415

  • Swap more uses of Util.deleteFile() and move files to the Trash (or Recycle Bin) instead. This can make more mess, but it reduces the chances of something bad happening when Processing deletes a file.

  • Change straight quotes to smart quotes in the file. This just means that more UI and error messages will have nicer quotes.

Until further notice

The macOS-aarch64 (Apple Silicon) release is not yet complete. If you want to use P2D and P3D (OpenGL) on macOS, use the Intel (x86_64) build, which is the only one that will be linked from until this situation is resolved. See #370 for status updates.