Mathematica lexer for Pygments.
Author: Benjamin Hodgson
A lexer plugin for Pygments, to highlight Mathematica code.
Currently, this can deal with:
- (* comments (enclosed in (* *)) - nested works too *)
- BuiltinFunctions (assumed to be names that start with capitals letters)
- userDefinedNames
- "strings (including multiline)"
- numbers of all shapes and sizes
- all kinds of Mathematica special symbols: #1 & {,}[]; etc
- all kinds of assignment. The left-hand side is highlighted as a 'function',
which is a little hacky but it works.
- Assignment to objects inside lists {a,b} = {c,d}
Make sure you have Pygments installed, and run python install
You should now be able to highlight Mathematica code using pygmentize
Tested on Python 3.2 and 2.7 (so it'll probably work with any version of Python 3).
Note: this is the development branch. You probably want the v1.0 tag