It's a simple to use Python library for version 1 of the Posterous API. It covers the entire API and it's really easy to extend when new API methods are added! Support for API v2 will be added soon.
- Check out the posterous-python source code using git: git clone git://
- Run setuptools to install sudo python install
That's it! Now run the posterous-shell to start playing with the library.
##Sample usage import posterous
api = posterous.API('username', 'password')
# Get the user's sites
sites = api.get_sites()
for site in sites:
# Get all of the posts from the first site
for post in api.read_posts(id=sites[0].id):
print '%s (%s)' % (post.title, post.url)
print ' - written by %s' %
if post.commentsenabled:
print ' - has %s comment(s)' % post.commentscount
if post.commentscount > 0:
print ' - comments:'
for comment in post.comments:
print ' - "%s" by %s' % (comment.body,
if hasattr(post, 'media'):
print ' - media:'
for media in
print ' - %s' % media.url
print '\n'
# Create a new post with an image
image = open("jellyfish.png", "rb").read()
post = api.new_post(title="I love Posterous", body="Do you love it too?", media=image)
# Add a comment
post.new_comment("This is a really interesting post.")
Until there is full documentation coverage, you can take a look at for the available methods and their arguments. The model objects also have methods that allow you to quickly perform actions (i.e. post.new_comment() instead of api.read_posts()[0].new_comment()), so look at for those.
##In the future... Expect to see these new features:
- Easy pagination for iterating over large result sets
- Response caching
- Full documentation
- A cool script for backing up a Posterous site
##Last words The design of this library was very much inspired by Tweepy. Tweepy is an excellent Python wrapper for Twitter's API, so give it a look if you're working with Twitter.
###License - See LICENSE for more details.
Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Reitzammer <nureineide>
###Credits Michael Campagnaro <mikecampo>