The Abiquo Infrastructure Management (AIM) is a collection of services that manage the deployment of virtual machines, the local event system and the vlan management. AIM must be installed in each node machine that works with the following hypervisors:
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There are three services available:
- Rimp (repository importer) enables the creation of virtual image instances from the shared repository into the local file system datastore, and cloning it from the datastore back to the repository.
- EventsMonitor manages the subscription, unsubscription and notification of the events produced by the virtual machines on the XEN and KVM hypervisors. The plugin uses libvirt to detect the events.
- VLAN service Manages the creation and deletion of VLAN and Bridge on the XEN, KVM and VirtualBox hypervisors. The network configuration is persistent using Cent OS network configuration files under /etc/sysconfig/network- scripts.
port = 60606
uri = "qemu+tcp:///system"
redisHost =
redisPort = 6379
repository = /opt/nfs-devel
autoBackup = false
autoRestore = false
ifconfigCmd = /sbin/ifconfig
vconfigCmd = /sbin/vconfig
brctlCmd = /usr/sbin/brctl
- uri, the URI of the hypervisor to monitorize
- redisHost and redisPort, where is redis listening
- repository, repository mount point
- autoBackup, on undeploy if autoBackup=true, then disk is backed up rather than deleted from the datastore .
- autoRestore, on deploy if autoRestore=true, then disk is restored from a previous backed up disk rather than copied from repository.
- datastoreValidTypes, optional, default value is ext2,ext3,ext4,nfs,nfs4,xfs,smbf. CSV list of valid datastore devices when checking the /etc/mtab/#mnt_type.
The correct path in the system for ifconfig, vconfig and brctl commands.
- ifconfigCmd
- vconfigCmd
- brctlCmd
[root@localhost ]# ./aim --help
Usage: ./aim options
-h --help Show this help
-c --config-file=<file> Alternate configuration file
-p --port=<port> Port to bind
-d --daemon Run as daemon
-u --uri=<uri> Hypervisor URI
-r --repository=<repository> Repository mount point
-v --version Show AIM server version
By default the server is listening at 60606 port and loads a configuration file named aim.ini
AIM writes log messages in the stderr and /var/log/messages