Group Project 1 - Foodle inc.
URL Deployed:
Screenshot of application:
1.User Story:
As a person who loves to cook
I want to find recipes and videos that i need to prepare for my favorite dishes
Also, I check the box "save".That dish will be saved to my favorites and it helps me to look up recipes for these favorite dishes at later time faster
2.Group members
Given a Foodle Page with a form input
When I search for a specific dish
Then I am presented with a picture together with a description and a list of ingredients of that dish
When i choose a random result and click on that image
Then i am presented with a bigger image together with the description, recipe detail and a video related to the result
When i click next button
Then i am presented with the next page of the list
When i click back button
Then i am presented with the previous page of the list
When i click save on a dish
Then that dish will go into favorites
When i click on favorites
Then i am presented with a list of dishes that i like and saved